"What?" Reiner blinks, shocked at the accusation. "Stalking you? No! I..."

He kind of is stalking Jaws, with how he Googled him last night and found his cam show, but the gym thing is just a coincidence.

"I've been going to this gym for years," he manages. "You can check the membership logs."

"Don't think I won't!" Jaws snaps, but he lets Reiner go, and takes a step back. He lifts one hand and runs it over his hair, smoothing it back with a fierce swipe, but that one stubborn tuft in the front springs free. "The fuck are you here now?"

"I overslept. I'm usually here earlier." Which explains why they've never run into each other, and Reiner looks at Jaws curiously. "How long have you worked here?"

Maybe early morning workouts aren't where it's at, if guys like Jaws are around during the day.

"What business is it of yours?" Jaws glares, then sighs in disgust. "Six months. And it's a good job, I like it here, so you can't tell anyone!"

"That you like it here?"

"No, dipshit! About my..." Jaws looks around them and drops his voice. "My other job."

"Why would I do that?" Reiner is genuinely baffled, but it's apparently the right answer. Jaws nods, and his demeanor thaws out a little.

"Yeah, that's right. Good answer." Jaws looks Reiner up and down, appraising him, then rolls his eyes. "Fuck. Come on. We have to go back out there."


"Because you told Franz you had a session with me, asshole! He's going to expect to see me working with you!" Jaws starts striding away, his steps long and determined, and Reiner hurries to keep up. "I'm going to have to waste my whole morning dealing with you now, someone who isn't even an actual appointment, shit! Just my goddamn luck."

"I'll pay for your time." That is apparently the wrong thing to say, because the look Jaws shoots him is positively murderous.

"I don't need your charity." The words are so laced with venom that Reiner stops in his tracks, holding up his hands in a placating gesture. "We'll do a session, then you'll fuck off back to wherever you came from, and notcome back to the gym while I'm here!"

"I'm not... I'm not here to make problems for you."

There must be something in Reiner's tone that registers, because Jaws' expression softens a little bit, some of the tension releasing from his jaw. "Yeah, well, you have." He glares at Reiner a moment more and then grunts, swiping at his hair again and still missing that piece in the front. "So what's the routine you have now?"

As it turns out, there isn't much for Jaws to say about Reiner's upper body routine. He simply observes, nodding occasionally, and helps spot him. Which is nice, actually; Reiner is usually at the gym so early that there isn't anyone else around, and with someone standing above him, hands poised under the weight bar, he's able to lift more than usual. He's also in a prime position to look up at Jaws and watch him as he concentrates on Reiner's form, his brows drawn down and his eyes analytical. From this angle, Reiner notices the glitter of something silver around Jaws' neck, but it's tucked into his shirt and he doesn't know what's on the other end.

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