The Rap Battle

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after the two stopped talking and went their separate ways, keith couldn't stop thinking about this "pico". he was in love with every inch of him. his looks, his personality, everything. keith never believed in love at first sight, until now.
keith finally arrived at where the rap battles take place. which was behind a secret alley with a tarp over the entrance. he walked in and went in the back to warm up his voice since he was interrupted by pico. after preparing for the battle, it was keith's turn to go. he didn't know which opponent he was facing, so he was in for a surprise. keith stepped up into the spotlight as he saw a shadow approaching as well. he squinted his eyes to get a closer look and as his opponent stepped out into daylight, he saw that it was pico! keith turned red like a tomato and made a loud gulp. pico stood there looking at keith for a couple of seconds, and smiled. the music started to play, so they had to start. pico went first "skobarskuatunayadabadadadapadacaladudara" "beebookanibeedoopani" they took theyre turns with the boopeeda's. keith was so nervous he started to stutter. he was saying all the wrong boo's and bop's, it was a mess. pico ended up taking the win.

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