"You could have killed me." You say to your sister holding the groceries.

"I wish I did. You're lucky I'm so nice." She said as she looked at you. You had a disgusted look at her and it pissed her off. "What's that face for!"

"Ah. Welcome back!" A voice rang out as you and your sister look in confusion. You slowly turn your head towards the voice.

"Mom?!" You both shout as she waved to you. You speed over with worry.

"Y-You should have told me you were coming! I would have made you some food beforehand." You say as she put a hand on your face.

"Hahahaha! I knew you'd react like this." She said as she ruffled your hair as you dealt with it. You then run to the living room and see Souta.

"Souta! Why didn't you call me immediately when mom got home!" You shout at him as he looked in worry.

"Ehh?! I don't have a phone, Onii-chan!" He says as he starts panicking as you glare at him. You approached him and overcast him.

"But you could have used the house phone!!!!" You shout as Souta looked in worry. Your mother and Kyoko walk in to the living room. Your mother, Yuriko Hori, looks at you with a smile.

"Don't give him a hard time, Y/n. I told him not to. Now, what were you doing?" Yuriko asked you as you put your little brother down and laid across the couch.

"We just went with our friend." You says as your mother looks at you in surprise.

"You made another friend? I'm so proud of you."

"Oi. I'm not a little kid." You say as Souta perks up.

"He always plays with me when he comes over."

"Isn't that nice!" Your mother says as Kyoko relaxes your mother's shoulders by giving her a massage. "A boy then?"

"Eh? Yeah..." Your sister replies hesitatingly. Your mother gets excited.

"Really?! I'm impressed! What's he like?" She asked as you decided to see how this one played out.

"He's kind of...dark. Like he's a criminal in a detective story or something..." Kyoko says as you just started laughing. "Grrrr! Shut up, Y/n!"

"Hahahaha! I can see his face now! That's the best thing you've got!? Comparing him to a criminal?! Ahahaha!" You say as you keep laughing in a sinister way.

"Oh my. It seems my son is dark as well." She says as she makes you stop laughing by the next thing she says. "I'd like to have a one-on-one talk with him, I think."

Your sister freaks out for a brief moment. "What in the world would you talk about?!"

"Ahh, that felt so good!" Your mother says to change the topic. You realized growing up that she was very good at that.

"So are you going to make dinner tonight?" Your heart dropped after your sister's comment. You felt a drop of sweat move down your head and onto the floor.

"Of course I am! I'm making curry!" Your mom said as you knew it was the boil and bag kind. You slowly got up as they were talking and tried to walk away. "Oh? Where are you going, honey?"

"N-No where, Mom. I'm just going to-" You tried to come up with an excuse when your mom grabbed your arm and stopped you from moving. She then pulled you into a hug. "M-mom?! What are you doing?!"

"I'm giving my son a hug! Am I not allowed to do that?" She said as she kept hugging you and ruffling your hair. Since you were a kid, mom always messed with your hair. No one knew why. "How have you been?"

Horimiya: Plus One (Male Reader x Yuki Yoshikawa)Where stories live. Discover now