Chapter 2..Rethinking

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Key words for this chapter

Y/n (your name)
H/c (hair colour)
E/c (eye colour)

"well did you guys miss each other" ghostbur asked while looking at us "I mean I kinda did" I answered trying to roll up the sleeves to distract myself from thinking about it to much and blushing. "well what about you techno?" ghostbur asked now glancimg at technoblade. "I think I'm pretty tired so can we sleep now" he exclaimed while looking away. "well I onl have my bedroom so someone can sleep on the couch but I don't know where the other can." I said looking around for where they can stay. "ooh I know technoblade can sleep in your bed! You guys used to work together so why not!" ghostbur cheered while I'm trying not to make eye contact with him.

We somehow agree and that night me and technoblade were in my bed. I wake up in the middle of the night wich happens most nights. I step outside and just look at all the pretty trees. I sit down near the front door. After about 5 minutes I hear someone coming out too, it was technoblade. He soon sits down next to me and we just sit in silence for a while until. '' I did miss you, you know" he says looking over at me. "same here. I tryed to be more friendly so I joined l'manburg. Its always when they're going to war and people begging me to be on there side. While I'm on nobody's side just killing them all." I say with a straight face

"well how about we partner together again and live out your fantasy" he says with a smirk on his face

"count me in" i smile. He just looks at me and says tomorrow I have to fight him for training. "I bet I'm still stronger then you" I laughed "well we will have to wait and see" he chucked
I lean my head on his shoulder while we look at the moon through the trees. "we should probably go inside now" I say breaking the comfortable silence. We both stand up and go back to my room and fall asleep

Technoblade pov

I wake up some how cuddling y/n, which I didn't really mind but I got up carefully not to wake her up. I leave the room to find these bags of wool. I knew she could knit but I never knew she made the wool herself. I went to the kitchen and gave Axel some food.

I see y/n coming to the kitchen and Axel runs up to her. She pets Axel and goes to stand beside me. "morning" she yawned before leaning against me because of how tired she was she didn't really realise what she was doing. I just blushed and looked away. "so you make your own wool to knit with" I said to break the silence. She just nodded. And she was slowly drifting off to sleep again so I but my hand around her waist to stop her from falling. It felt wrong for doing it but I had too. Ghostbur got up and went outside to get friend

When the door shut y/n woke up a bit but I didn't want to let go of her waist so I didn't.

Y/n pov

I wake up leaning against technoblades side while he had his arm around my waist he knew I was awake but still didn't move his arm. After a while I got up and grabbed my netherite sword and he let go of my waist. We began to battle each other. Neither of us were winning or losing. It stayed the same until you both ran out of breath and sat down by a tree still trying to catch our breath.

"you have gotten better" I say to techno while he looks over at me. I lean my head on his shoulder while he puts his hand around my waist again. "you really like doing that" I say while he looks at me with a puzzled face "like doing what" he asks me. "putting your arm around my waist" I joke. He quickly takes his hand back. "I didn't say you needed to take it away" I say putting his hand back where it was.

He uses his hand to pull me closer to him, and we make eye contact until he kisses me. The kiss lasted a couple of seconds before he pulls away. He looks at me but quickly looks away blushing. "uh I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" he was cut off my me kissing him again. "it's ok I liked it" I say looking up at him. "well will you be my girlfriend" he says all flustered. "of course"

Thanks for reading a new chapter will be out soon!

Words: 820

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