Chapter 15

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IT WAS THEN A FEW DAYS LATER AND VEILIANDOR DECIDED TO HOST THE CEREMONY EVEN THOUGH IT WILL COST HER LIFE TO END. I then was in a room getting ready for my big day, I had assistance from the maidens, Flairele, and Polaria. Flairele then said, "I'm soooooo happy for you Savvy! Even though it will be sad that Veiliadnor will be gone after this, yet you can't help a curse that will make things all gloomy. BUTTTTT let's just not let the sad stuff get to us and let us prep you up for your wedding girly!". Polaria then said, "Today is a special day but a death will happen after, but let the joy of you and Lance being wed fill us all with happiness we all need!". I then said while the maiden and the two knights got my wedding dress on, "Thank you all, I'm so happy to be married to the love of my life! He is truly a gift I never want to give away ever at all to someone else!". I then smiled and Veiliandor appeared and said, "If anything today, I am going to be praising you dear, I will summon you once the ceremony has ended.". I then nodded and I knew exactly what would happen but I did not let it bother me at all. Lance then was accompanied by Tremondor and Nocturno to help him get suited up for his big day. Tremondor said, "Well, you look very nice in that suit man, I'm sure Savvy will look very beautiful! Are you nervous?". Nocturno then said, "I've never felt so bright and light hearted for anything until you finally decided to marry Savvy, she is definitely a very sweet girl. Sadly, Veilandor will not last long after the ceremony sadly however.". Lance then said, "Never at all, well, I don't want to mess up my vows to her but other than that I'm just getting married to the girl of my dreams and she is truly beautiful no matter what she is like. I love her and that all it matters to me.". The knights and Lance smiled and then a maiden told them to get to the top of where the ceremony will start. I then was waiting for all the maids of honor to go through and all the guests were seated. The decorations were so beautiful that it made my eyes twinkle with delight. Then, the music started to play and I was told to walk down the aisle and man doesn't the place look amazing, Lance then looked at me with a big smile and I was smiling myself as well, I was holding a large bouquet of flowers and they smelled so pretty. I then got to the top where Lance was standing and he looked so incredibly handsome in it and it made my heart flutter. After a few minutes Veiliandor then said, "Welcome all ladies and gents, I am honored to unite two of my Divine Knights in the form of Matrimony. I am the lord of Thuntopia and after this ceremony my time will come to an end from a curse I cannot remove, but let us not bring sadness to this special ceremony. So without any more hesitations Divine Knight Savvy and Knight Lance you may say your vows.". Lance then nodded at me to go first and I cleared my throat so I wouldn't sound raspy while saying it. I then said without thought, "My dearest Lance, you have shown me what true happiness is like and you opened my world up to a brighter perspective and I never knew I'd never find someone like you in this world. I always knew I liked you ever since we grew closer during our time patrolling in the tower together. I hope and pray that I forever stay with you and I will return all the love you have given me in any way possible. I will always try my best to keep you happy at all times and forever I shall be happy with you.". I then finished my vows and Lance cleared his throat and said, "My lovely Savvy, you were always the prettiest woman to me when we first met and I was unsure how I would convey my feelings for you. You are so strong when it comes to tough situations and you will overpower the tougher foe and you grow stronger as a person. I promise to always keep you happy and safe with me for the rest of my life and I will always love you. I promise to not let you down or turn down the affection you give to me and I will return all the love you give me as well. I will always and forever be on your side until the end.". After we said our vows Lance then took my hands and put them into his. Veiliandor then said, "Very well you two so now, Savvy, do you take Lance to be your Husband?". I then smiled and said barely holding in my happiness, "I do.", Veiliandor then said, "Lance, do you take Savvy to be your Wife?". Lance then said, "I do.", Veiliandor then said, "Well it is now my pleasure to announce that you two are now husband and wife and you shall kiss the bride.". Lance then hugged me very tightly and he then did a passionate kiss and I returned it. All I could think was how much I was yearning this moment and it was the best feeling in the world for me. The whole palace then was cheering and applauding and Tremondor then pat Lance on signifying his congrats to him and I. Lance then knocked me off my feet and threw me into his arms and he carried me down to the reception hall. I then looked at his eyes without fail and he let out a sigh that made me laugh. Other than that I held on to him and he carried me slowly to the reception and I would never want this to end.

Savvy's Quest ( Dark Souls Inspired Story )Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя