But despite all this time passing by, we were still completely in love. Fawad could still sweep me off my feet with his romantic gestures and consideration towards my every need. And seeing him with Hania always made my heart melt. The father and daughter had a beautiful bond. I always pretended to be jealous, but it made me incredibly happy. He and Hania were the biggest blessings of my life, without any doubt. And now our unborn baby as well.

"Jasmina, why don't you both get ready?" Ammi said, suddenly. "We have to go to dinner at your parents' place." 

I tensed up. I know that it sounds weird. Why was I so tensed about visiting my own parents' house? Well, the easy answer was: family politics. The hard answer was: I couldn't stand Sadia Bhabi, Arhaan Bhai's wife. And with my increased impatience and difficulty in controlling my temper due to my pregnancy hormones, I was worried that something major was going to happen. Fortunately, my parents-in-law would be present.

As much as I loved my brother, I felt sick at the thought of seeing her. 

Ya Allah, I actually feel sick!

I got up and rushed out of the room to throw up again. Jet lag had not been kind to me. I had been sick so much that Ammi had taken me to the hospital to have me checked up, but the doctor reassured me that everything was okay. It was actually Dr Khan, my gynaecologist from when I was pregnant with Hania.

Ammi came after me concerned. "I'll get Hania ready. You just take care of yourself. Unless, you want to skip the dinner?" 

"No, we'll go." I turned to face her. "I've already set Hania's dress out on the bed, if that's okay, Ammi." 

She nodded. "Okay, no problem." 


"Assalam Alaikum!" My mother cried out happily, her gaze on Hania, who stood beside me and Fatima Ammi. 

Hania wore a black sleeveless dress with pink polka dots and a pink ribbon around her waist, with a bow over her stomach. Over it she wore a black sweater for protection against the chilly weather. Underneath, she wore white leggings and adorable pink shoes.

My daughter was the first child of the only son of the Ali family, and the first child of the only daughter of the Sheikh family, so she was naturally the apple of everyone's eyes.

My parents didn't seem to want to let her go as they hugged and kissed her. When my Ammi set her down, Hania shyly clutched onto my leg, hiding underneath my dupatta.

"So cute!" Zoya Bhabi gushed. "Ma Sha Allah!" She held out a teddy bear that was more than half of Hania's size. It was yellow with a red bow around its neck. "Here you go, Hani Jaani." 

"Come here!" Ahad Bhai suddenly lifted Hania up and kissed her cheek. "My favourite little niece." 

"She's your only niece." Zoya Bhabi pointed out.

"Therefore, I'm right." 

Hania burst into tears, startled by Bhai's sudden actions, and also by all these people that she didn't recognise. "Mama!" She reached out for me, her little face already wet with fat drops of tears. 

"Hania, I'm your Mamu. Don't be like that!" Ahad Bhai kissed her cheek again.

"Ahad, she's distressed. Let her go to Jasmina." My mother told him.

The moment Hania came into my arms, she buried her face against my neck, while wrapping her small arms around it. She was sniffling, but became to calm down as she realised that she was with one of her two most trusted people.

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