"What could possibly want to talk to me about?" I ask him slowly. He glances uncomfortably toward a group coming out of the restaurant, angling his head away slightly to avoid being seen. This is clearly business an Alpha shouldn't be seen conducting.

"Why don't you get into my car and I'll tell you..." he offers.

I swallow drily. Maybe I should just go, to hear what this man has to say. If I'm with Lev, maybe I will be safer, even though I doubt either of us could compare to an Alpha in regard to strength. Yet once again, my curiosity burns dangerously, coercing me into the car to hear what he has to say. This could be a once in a life time moment...

"Let's go Lev," I say after a long moment, entwining my fingers with my friends. Lev doesn't protest, nodding numbly as we step forward toward Isaiah.

Isaiah seems to have other ideas, resting his hand firmly against Lev's chest, glaring at him. Lev freezes, stumbling away a few steps without letting go of my hand. It's clear Isaiah wants me to go alone.

"No, he's coming with me," I growl firmly.

Isaiah releases a long breath, narrowing his eyes on me. I wonder how often he is challenged, how often people say no to him. Finally, he nods toward the alleyway, conceding.

"Fine...Let's go."


Isaiah doesn't say another word to us until we are inside the car and driving down the street. He only had to give the driver a single nod, causing my stomach to turn uneasily.

His seat faces ours, eyes watching us intently, shamelessly. I'm unsure of whether to be frightened or curious in this moment, have a myriad of questions of my own that I doubt he will answer. It's not everyday someone speaks to an Alpha, so being here in his presence should be considered a blessing.

"Where are we going?" I ask softly, watching the buildings pass by out the window, the driving going at an impressive speed. Lev looks wary as we weave through streets, although is wise enough to let me do the talking.

I'm the one who wrapped us up in this.

"To my estate," he tells us. Both Lev and I flinch collectively, not expecting that answer. I thought he may drive us to another place in the city to speak more privately, not to whether his estate is. "There is someone waiting there for you."

My blood runs cold. Is it Cian? I'm not sure I can handle seeing him after what happened the other night. I don't want to tell him I haven't decided whether to leave this job yet, or that I can't get him out of my head, even after I told myself I was done with him.

"Who?" I ask softly, gripping Lev's hand tightly in my own.

Isaiah sighs, shaking his head at me. "You'll see."

"What is this about?" I question, refusing to give up asking more questions. If I wished for this car to stop, I wonder if he would allow it. Or am I forced to see this person who waits for me at his estate? The thought sends chills across my skin as my blood turns to ice. Maybe I shouldn't have dragged Lev into this.

"I'm just hosting this meeting. I have nothing to do with this," he tells me with a shrug. He looks out the window, moonlight playing along his handsome features.

I grit my teeth. "I'm sure you know."

"I know that you've been wrapped up into something you don't want to be," he says, the slightest amount of humour in his eyes. I narrow my own on him, wondering what enjoyment he is getting out of bringing me to his home, being the messenger. Is this all because Lev and I chose to come here, to the Passion Pack?

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