Chapter Fifteen Part Two:Ripping Jay's Bieber Sized Ego Into Shreds

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Chapter Fifteen Part Two:Ripping Jay's Bieber Sized Ego Into Shreds

The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful
Stop me and steal my breath.
And emeralds from mountains thrust towards the sky
Never revealing their depth.

The beginning chords of the song, I'd heard way too many times as a little girl startle me. I am way too aware of all the eyes that are focusing on Cole and me. Some are smiling, warm faces full of encouragement while others, mostly my escort's relentless admirers are scowling fiercely. The tension is palpable; no one is talking as the only voice that resonates around us is that of the singer.

"Hey, don't look at them. Look at me, just me, like we practiced." He whispers gently and I find myself staring right into those deep ocean blue eyes of his. Seriously, how can someone's eyes be this blue? That's not exactly fair on the rest of us non blue-eyed folk.

Steadying myself, I place one hand on his shoulder and interlink the other with his. Even though we've been rehearsing for days, the novelty of the experience never wears off. My skin still tingles, little bolts of electricity still dart through the length of my arm and my waist, where his free hand is placed feels like its been seared.

Tell me that we belong together,
Dress it up with the trappings of love.
I'll be captivated,
I'll hang from your lips,
Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above

People, mostly women from my mother's gardening club gush all around us as we sway on the dance floor. Ballroom dancing isn't the most exciting form of the activity but it's so very beautiful to experience that I have a new found love for it. It's intricate, delicate and just so...romantic. There's no overbearing music, no wild dance moves, just two people moving in sync.

I blush when I think of another activity that sounds similar.

Get your mind out of the gutter Tessa!

"Ready for our big move?" He whispers in my ear and I stop a whimper from escaping my lips. There will be no whimpering tonight, or ever.

I nod, feeling completely dazed. He's never struck me as the type who'd be good at something like slow dancing. The way I used to think about him always portrayed him as someone who wasn't ashamed to grind the house down at some club. I've always known he's a skilled dancer and even the part of me that was terrorized of him wanted to be that girl who gets swept off her feet when the music played.

I hold back a huge smile as I realize that I've got my wish.

I'll be your crying shoulder,
I'll be love's suicide
I'll be better when I'm older,
I'll be the greatest fan of your life.

The music picks up its tempo as Cole lifts me off the ground by the waist and twirls me around. Gone are the fears of being dropped that I had for a very long time. Now I smile widely as people gush all around us. I forget about the watching eyes as I concentrate on the person holding me. I realize that after all this time, after fifteen years of knowing this boy, I finally trust him. Even if he's a narcissistic pig.

Our dance hasn't even ended but people are already clapping and hollering for us. I recognize Megan's voice cutting the crowd's. She's probably yelling her lungs off since this is her fantasy being played out. She's always wanted a moment like this and for Alex's sake I hope he knows how to dance as well as his best friend.

And rain falls angry on the tin roof
As we lie awake in my bed.
You're my survival, you're my living proof.
My love is alive and not dead.
Tell me that we belong together.
Dress it up with the trappings of love.
I'll be captivated,
I'll hang from your lips,
Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above

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