Chapter Thirty-Four - Wavelength

Começar do início

    "Cyborg," Robin says in a no-nonsense tone, causing the mechanic Titan to cease his rant. "They're your blueprints, so you're the only one who can shut down the resonator. While you're doing that, we will capture Blood."

    "No, man, come on! This is personal! Just gimme a chance to--"

    "Cyborg," I echo. "If you go after Blood, he will be able to counter your every move, and the H.I.V.E. will still have their resonator in play."

    Cyborg clenches his fists. "It's not their resonator, it's MY SONIC CANNON!!" he shouts.

    "There's no time," Aqualad buts in. "The resonator will be fully operational by sunset."

    "Okay, Titans. Here's what we need to do," Robin orders. "Starfire and Raven, I need you to come with me and infiltrate the facility. Ember, Beast Boy and Aqualad, take down the forcefield surrounding the control panel. Cyborg,  find the panel and shut down the resonator."

    Cyborg growls and clenches his fists silently, but before he can voice his protests, we all run out of the room.


    I jump into the T-Sub, and begin to close the lid, but it stops by the push of another button and Robin jumps out of his compartment.

    "What are you doing?" he asks curiously. "You're supposed to be with Beast Boy and Aqualad."

    "I can hop out when I need to," I state, pulling a belt over my stomach and fastening it. "Besides, I don't really feel like swimming." Robin's disapproving glance begins to turn into an amused smirk at my second comment, and I jump out of the pod. "Stop laughing at me."

    I give him a friendly push out of the way, and as I walk past, his body rotates to talk to me. "I'm not laughing." As he says this, he finally cracks up, small laughters rocking from his body.

    I shake my head, sigh, and walk over to the edge, looking down to see Beast Boy and Aqualad jump past me and onto the ground. "I totally beat you, dude," the former says, transforming from a swordfish back into a human.

    "You wish," Aqualad shoots back, snorting.

    "Ready to go?" I ask, holding out my hand and helping Aqualad to stand.

    "Hurry up already!" Cyborg shouts from the other side of the room impatiently, repeating what I said, only less eloquently.

    Raven turns around when I do, looks at Cyborg in slight concern, before jumping into her pod and sealing the glass. I move over to the external control panel and pull a lever down, and the sub's hoisted up and moved over the opening to the ocean.

    Starfire giggles, so loudly that I hear it from my position, and Robin pushes a button that releases the T-Sub from the grip of the machine, dropping it into the water.

    Once the T-Sub is safely in the water, I dive in too, and create a current to pull me through with ease. Aqualad and Beast Boy, in shark form, lead the way, and I soon catch up to them, even having to slow myself down slightly.

    We enter a dark tunnel, and I try to create an air gap in the water big enough for a flame to light the way, but I struggle with the action. Luckily enough, Beast Boy turns into an angler fish, lighting up the way for not just myself and the two boys, but the other Titans in the T-Sub.

    "Maybe we should pull over and ask directions," I hear Raven say into my earpiece.

    I look down at a large building with the same exterior design as Cyborg's. "There!" Starfire exclaims. I boost myself through the water, halting at the sound of a gate opening. Looking to my left, I spot a robotic squid emerge from the darkness, headed towards us.

The Sixth Titan | Teen TitansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora