Chapter 1

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"Hey Black! " says Purple as she runs towards Black. "What's up, Purple? " ask Black while doing tasks. Purple said in excitement, "We're gonna have some new members on our ship!" "Oh? " asked Black who had finished her task and turned to look at Purple asking, "Do you know who or how many? " "Yeah 4 more members, one girl and three boys. Their names are Cyan, Red, Pink and Green" said Purple. "I see" says Black with no excitement in her voice. "Aren't even excited, Black? " asked Purple with a bit of annoyance in her voice. "I just don't see why we need more people on this ship. Isn't it crowded enough in here? " asked Black who was annoyed with how many people there are here. Purple looked at her with playful anger, "As I say the more the Merrier! And it's fun to make new friends! " Black just rolled her eyes and sighed in annoyance, "Maybe it's fun for you Purple, but it's not fun for me. I only make friends that I can trust in. Like you for instance, Purple. " "I know, Black. But you gotta let up once in a while. " says Purple who's concerned about Black not having a lot of friends. Black sighed and puts her hand on Purple's shoulder, "I appreciate your concern Purple, but you know I can't let up that easily. " "I know Black, but that won't stop me from trying. " says Purple with confidence in her voice. Black giggled and smiled. "And that's why your my friend Purple. I don't know what I'd do without a friend like you. " "You'd be Miss Grumpy Butt the entire time here. " Purple joked.

While Black and Purple were talking, Brown had told everyone over the speakers to meet up in the cafeteria. So after everyone had gathered up at the location, Brown stood up and said, "Listen everyone I know you have heard some rumors that we were having some new crew members on the ship and I'm here to tell you that it is true, we do have some new members on this ship. Everyone meet Cyan, Red, Pink and Green. " Everyone looked at them and waited for the four new members to talk a bit about themselves. Pink looked at everyone and said, "Hey everyone. I'm Pink, the only girl in the group of new members and I hope we can be friends. I'm the more serious/joking one in the group, Green's our leader type in the group, Red is more of a very serious person as well as a smart ass, and Cyan doesn't talk a lot, he's more of a quiet type" After they introduced themselves Brown looked at the others and said, "Since they are new here, I'm selecting two of our non-new members to show them around and those two people are Black and Purple" Purple was excited to show the new members around the place, but Black wasn't as excited as Purple, instead she was cautious and was on guard with the new members.

After everyone went back to their duties Black and Purple started showing the new members around the Ship. As Purple was mainly the one talking to the new members as showing them, Black was on edge about the new members and was lost in her own thoughts, she didn't know that Green knew what Black was doing and asked, "Hey Black right? " Black snapped out of it and looked at Green, who's voice gave her unsettling vibes. "..Yeah. " Black replies hesitately. Green looks at her and said, "I know your unsettled about us, but we aren't gonna do anything stupid. " "You make it sound like your hiding something, Green. Your voice gives it away" says Black who's pretty observant and also quiet. "Well, there's nothing to hide, but try to find out if I am hiding anything, if you dare. " Green said with a smirk. Black stops and is even more on her guard now then ever before as she watched the new members follow Purple with the tour.

After Purple and Black showed them around the ship, Purple noticed that something was off about Black. "Black? You okay? " asked Purple who was worried. Black looked at Purple and said, " Yeah, I just have a bad feeling from them, especially that Green guy. " Purple looked at her with a confused look and asked, "Why Green mainly? " "I don't know Purple, but I'm gonna keep a close eye on them, mainly Green. I have a feeling that they aren't what they say they are. " says Black with a serious and cautious tone in her voice. Purple was even more concerned then before about Black, but decided to let her go through with this. "If you ever need anything. I'll be here, Black. " "Thanks Purple. "

*the few weeks later*

After the new members joined the ship, things started to malfunction a lot. Nothing was out of the ordinary so far, but Black wasn't gonna let her guard down that easily. As Black was doing a task Cyan appeared behind her. Black had a strange feeling that someone was behind her so, she turned around and saw Cyan. "Oh. Hi Cyan. Need something? " Black said still cautious about the new members. "Hey Black. I was just making sure that your doing okay. " says Cyan who doesn't usually talk a lot. But after their arrival, Cyan and Black were the only two that we able to get along, besides Purple, being Black's friend. "I'm doing fine Cyan. How about you? " Black asked as she continues her task. "I'm doing fine Black. " Cyan said as he looked around making sure the other new members weren't around. Black has noticed that he's been doing that for a couple of weeks now and decided it was time to ask. So after Black finished her task she said, "Alright Cyan. What's going on with you? " Cyan looked at her with confusion and said, "W-What? " Black looked at him and said, "Don't play dumb with me Cyan. You've been acting weird everytime your near me, why is that?" Cyan sighed and took Black to his room and made sure the door was closed. Black got into a fighting stance in case she was getting attacked, but Cyan stopped her and said, "I'm not gonna hurt you, but I need to warn you. Green is not who you think he is." Black then got out of her stance and said, "I sorta figured that out when you guys first arrived here. " Cyan looking impressed, but worried about Black said, "You need to keep your guard up and stay away from Green. He's up to no good. " Black looked at him and nodded

After everyone had done their tasks, it was time for everyone to go to sleep, since there is no Sun or Moon in space they have a special clock that tells them when it's time to sleep and wake up. After everyone went to sleep, Black was about to get ready for bed, when she heard footsteps walking past her door and decided to take a peek. As she did she saw Green and Pink walking somewhere and decided to follow them, without them knowing. She made sure she wouldn't get seen, so she hid behind the wall and listened. "Are you sure we can pull this off, Green? What if they find out we aren't like them? " asked Pink who was scared. Green put his hand on her shoulder and said, "Yes Pink I'm sure we can pull this off. They are to dumb to know that we aren't one of them." "But what about that Black character? She's onto us I just know it" says Pink who was sounded scared. "Don't worry about her I'll deal with her. " Green said sinisterly. Black got scared and was able to see their shadows so, she carefully watched their shadows while listening to them and saw that Green turned into a Imposter. Black gasped and started running. But as she was running, she tripped and fell on the ground, she looked behind her and saw Green and Pink and before she was able to get up, Pink had grabbed her and knocked her out. As Black fell on the ground out cold, Green and Pink took her somewhere unknown.

Black woke up, and saw that she was tied up. She looked around and saw Green, standing in front of her and got scared, because she knows that he's not a crewmember. She struggled to get free from the ropes that was binding her to the wall and floor. "We know you were spying on us, Black. You're not that sneaky. " said Green who's voice changed a bit. "I know who you really are. Your no crew member, you're an imposter and I'm guessing the others are to. " said Black who was angry and scared. Green did a slow clap and said, "Bravo Black. Your not as dumb as you look. But, your only partially right. I am an imposter, but the others aren't full imposters. They are only half imposters. Unfortunately we can't let you tell the other crew members of this event so, we're gonna have to keep you in here, until our mission is over. " "Mission? What mission?" asked Black. "That's something you'll have to figure out on your own, Black. But for now, have fun trying to get out. " Green said cackling. Green left the room and locked Black inside the room in an unknown location.

(Hey guys it's the author. I hope you like this book. I got the idea from the game Among Us as well as Comics that are popping up on YouTube. So hope you like this. Enjoy)

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