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Auroras POV

I changed into this

I didn't know what to do so I just sat on my bed

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I didn't know what to do so I just sat on my bed

I didn't know why I opened to him so much...but lucky I didn't go so far with it I shouldn't have even started

The truth was

My dad....he wasn't abusive or anything

My cousin had convinced me to never dad someone bc of our family every man in our family have cheated on the wife's so did my dad, my cousin (random boy name) he was kinda sad there were 4 girls and only 1 boy in the fam so me and him got a long while the rest 3 were being girly or sum

I never want myself to go through what my mom did my dad came back then disappeared all the time

I forgot I didn't buy food, I got up and got ready and decided I'd walk to a store instead of getting an Uber

I was in a hoodie and shorts and it was kind of cold so it was fine

After a 1 hour walk I finally found a store I walked in and it had some clothes that I'd like but I knew I shouldn't be wasting my money on that so I went to the back where there was a glass door that lead to the side with grocery stuff I walked in feeling the cold air hit me making me cold, I walked towards the side with the drinks I took a basket on the way, I opened the fridge door and took two water bottles out and put it in my basket as I felt strong arms wrap around me waist, I didn't take a second before I jumped scared and turned around and there he stood

"Hey it's just me" he said smiling

My mood instantly changed bc of what he did the other day but my smile didn't, he came closer placing a kiss on my forehead which I didn't realize he grabbed my phone from my pocket while kissing my forehead, he took it out lifting it up making me look up as it unlocked because of my Face ID, I jumped a bit but he was way too tall, I gave up and stood there as he gave me my phone back and smiled, he came near me and whispered in my ear making chills go down my spine "call me later princess" he said bending down and grabbing the water bottle which I didn't even know that fell he put in my basket and walked away not looking back, I just stood there, what. The. Fuck.  Just.  Happened, umm....ok?

As soon as I realized this isn't a dream I opened my phone going to see what he did, all my apps were closed, thanks, I opened call noticing his name pinned on the very top, I smiled


I finished my grocery shopping in a good mood after that...

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