Thank You!

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" hello sweetheart! I thought you wouldn't show up!" Abby said in her peppy voice.

" hello Mrs.Miller." I say in a shy voice.

" alright well none of the moms know your here. The only people that know are me Gianna and the producers." Abby responded.

" wait, I'm going to be on TV?!?" I respond in a really nervous voice.

" yes! Aren't you excited? " Abby responded.

" yes I am " I respond quickly.

" okay well Gianna and me are going to take you to studio c and see what u can do okay? " Abby said in a peaceful voice.

I walk on into studio c. I'm obviously In my uggs so I take them off. I put on my jazz shoes and decide to streach. While I was in my middle split, Mrs Abby and giana walk in.

" wow! Your feet are pointed! Good job!" Said Abby in here peaceful voice.

" thank you! " I respond back.

" okay so let's see your fouettès. How many can you do?" Said Abby.

" well it depends in what dance shoe I'm in." I respond.

" alright well let's see you do it in jazz shoes." Abby responded.

" okay! " I say happily.

I get into position while Abby and Giana count.

" 88..89..90..91..92..93..94..95..96..97..98..99..100.. " they both say.

I stop and then look at them.

" wow! That's a lot! I'm proud of you!" Said Abby.

" thank you!" I respond.

" okay well IMA go do pyramid so be ready to be called in. Jazmin also what your moms name? "

" her name is ruby " I say back.

" alright go into the den " Abby responds

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