Hey There

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Jazmin's POV:

While I'm in the den I hear Abby telling the girls they did an amazing job in the group dance. I hear a voice that sound familiar which meant, Sophia was here. Abby was in the middle of pyramid when she brings out my head shot . I didn't know where she would put it. Obviously not I was in the den. But that probs gave the moms a hint a new person was here. I hear Abby say Maddie's name last. she is probably on top!

" Abby who is under that one? " said Melissa.

That was my cue. It was time for me to walk in there and stay there for a long time!.

" girls and moms.... I would like to introduce to you......." Abby says.

I hear her footsteps coming closer and closer which made me more nervous.

" JAZMIN. COME ON IN! " she yells.

As I walk in I see all the moms faces go from a smile to a bad attitude . I knew I would cause trouble.

" on top of the pyramid is Jazmin. What I saw in studio c in the morning was just amazing! You could do 100 fouettés . and they weren't slow. They were pretty fast! Girls welcome your new team mate. She is 11 years old which is Maddie and Kendal's age. " says Abby.

All the girls welcome me. Hopefully they know what I'm capable of and hopefully they don't think of me as a bad person.

" I have 2 solos. The first one is going to Maddie. Your solo is called " The heart wants " my next solo is going to .... Jazmin. Your solo is called " burn " the group dance is called " secrets " . okay girls spread apart and start stretching. Moms you are dismissed.

(the bold parts are Abby's lines from now on)

(slanted words like "this" are lyrics to song)
Okay girls so in this dance you guys all have a secret. Now the lead in this group is Maddie and Kendall. Maddie you will end up murdering kendall for telling Jazmin your secret. Now this secret is huge! So Maddie make sure you tell a story! Okay giana start the music.
*Maddie and Kendall walk in and sit on the floor*
Got a secret can you keep it swear this one you'll save!

* nia and kenzie walk in leaping *
Better lock it in your pocket taking this on to the
*nia pretends to murder kenzie*
*me and Sophia walk in leaping landing it into a split*

* we all get up and Maddie tells Kendall the secret then leaves the stage to get into her other outfit*
*Kendall tells me the secret while Maddie watches*

*Kendall walks away*

*Maddie runs in and "throws her on the floor*

*Maddie pretends to kill her while the rest of us do turns*

Good job girls!. That was amazing ! Okay Maddie your solo is next . the rest of you are dismissed.

Jazmin's POV.

Me and the girls walk out and decided to go get ice cream.

15 minutes later....

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