Madam Taussand's and........Disneyland????

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So we were stuck,luckily,we ran back to the hotel,but the girl's,didn't know which one we would run into because,there were two.

"If we tell you which hotel we're staying in,will you leave us alone?"Liam asked.

No don't tell them,why would you do that? Wait I think he has a plan,they all nodded Liam pointed to the other one,they all ran into it,but we ran into the other one,went into the parking lot,hopped in the car and left.

"That was close,way to go Louis."Harry said.

Louis' P.O.V

It wasn't my....wait it was my fault,I yelled.....but i'm not going to admit anything!!!

"It wasn't my fault,you yelled to."I said.

They just looked at me like really,I was driving and couldn't look at them,but i'm pretty sure that's what they were doing...right now......supermaaaannn!!!

"Yeah,but we didn't attract a ton of teenage girl's."Liam said.

Of course Liam would say that,he's the smart one,he alway's say's stuff like that,why is Meghan being so quiet though? She's usually trying to stop us from fighting by now. I looked at my mirror,and saw her gazing out the window,I looked back at the road,and wondered what was going through her mind.

She was probably thinking about being a manager,that was probably going to be tough for her,considering she's only fourteen. Man that would've been hard for me at fourteen,I try to act like a brother to her,because she need's one,even if she hate's me at time's,i'll be there for her.

Niall's P.O.V

We were driving to disneyland!!! I can't belive it,I love that place so much,I just hope no one reckognize's us,and if they do respect that we want to be alone for the day,I just want this day,this day before going back to work,and having to stay up all day,and when I come home,or to the hotel,fall asleep right away.

But right now was nice,it was queit.....wait why was it quiet? Well anyway it was queit and nice for once,to be in a car with all the boy's being queit,it wasn't an awkward quiet more like a,nice quiet,I wish,I would've worn diffrent shoe's though,and I think Meghan's regretting wearing something Louis would wear,my shoe's were brand new though!!!

I looked over to Meghan,man was she beautiful,wait did I just think that? Well she is beautiful,she's young though.

Age is just a number,you like her

Yeah but she's probably got a boyfriend she's not telling us about and I can find someone my own age....

Love conquer's all,you should know that by now,it doesn't matter if there the same age as you,you need to fine someone you love deep down inside

Wait,am I talking to myself? Why am I talking to myself,awkward.....

Harry's P.O.V

Man she was beautiful,her hair,her face,her...everything about her was beautiful,she was asleep but she was still beautiful,not that I would ever tell her my true feeling's,she's Justin's I saw it,they kissed each other,then I ran off,crying I don't know why I started crying,she was never mine,but I can't stop staring at her.

It's because you love her,but you know you can't have her

No why would it be because of that me?

Because when you met her everything changed,you love her,but you know Justin love's her to

Maybe....but she's Justin's I can't just steal her from him.

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