Chapter 2:

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You apologize quickly and search for your phone which evidently was directly in front of you. You hope he didn't notice. The caller ID tells you that it's your mother. You click on the volume control panel silencing the ringing and let it go to voicemail. "Sorry about that." "No need to apologize", Chester replies with a chuckle, "It's alright." "Moms, you just can't get rid of them", you giggle and then ask him about his work. "I am actually in the process of joining a band." "Wow! That's not something you see every day." "Well they aren't very well known or anything but I'm hoping to change that", he announces admiring your interest. You smile as you think to yourself, 'Oh my goodness this man is perfect!' "Whats the name of the band", you ask after finishing your mental thought. He smiles as he opens his laptop and does a few clicks here and there. He turns it to face towards you and you read aloud as you observe the screen, "Linkin Park.. Linkin Park. That's an odd name, don't you think?" "I'm sure there is a meaning behind it", he adds returning the screen to his viewing, "I'm actually going to be meeting with the members of the band in about an hour or so." "That's great. I happen to enjoy bands", you blirt with a smirk. "Oh yeah, me too!" You narrow your eyes at him then you both laugh. This is going great, way better than expected. He closes the laptop and puts it into a bag keeping it in his lap. He looks at you and smiles, of course you smile back. "I think I have something to ask you", he adds, you can clearly sense the unsure feeling. "You think?", you question in confusion. "Yeah.. I'm not to sure about it." "Well shoot. I'm highly curious", you state taking a sip of your drink. "I want to ask you for your number." Shocked, you nearly choke on the warm latte. "Are you okay?!" He jolts up and hands you napkins as he rubs your higher back as if it were to help. After clearing your throat and trying to put ease to the situation with laughter you portray, "I'm fine, I'm fine but you would be a terrible doctor." He sighs and chuckles, "Well I tried and that's all that matters, right. I didn't think my question would make you choke." He forces a pouted lip. "It's not you, nobody asks me for my number." "Well I just did", he shoots you a wink. You shovel through your purse in search of a pen. You grab a napkin not damped in coffee and write down your number. You slowly slide it across the table as he reaches for it. He lifts it and takes a phone out of his pocket. You notice him dialing in the number and he raises the phone to his ear. Your phone rings as an unknown number appears. You giggle assuming it's him calling you and answer. "Hello?" "Just making sure you didn't blow me over and give me a fake", he says as you look into each others eyes and begin to laugh. You both hang up and stand up to leave. "Good luck with your band." "Thank you very much", he replies.

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