Like Thunder

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I was with a team of other scientists in the surveillance room. This was my day to day. Seemingly boring. Actually, it was boring. Highlights of my week included when the boys got a little naughty with each other. Thomas was having a little time off. I saw Newt climbing the wall. My eyebrows furrowed together. I squinted at the smaller frame.

"Wayne! Enlarge bottom left. Put it up on the main one. Something is up with Newt." I commanded. Wayne did as I asked. I stood up and walked toward the screen.

Newt started talking, his brown eyes looking lost and filled with hurt.

"I'm tired of this. I feel empty. I remember a name. Nicola. A sister, a lover, a friend. Who ever they are. I need them in my life. I know we will never get out of here. I'm not needed here. I need to be free. I need to find Nicola. I'm sorry, my friends. I can go with that pain." And then, he dropped. I saw his body plummeting towards the earth. I screamed.

"Newt! No! No! No!" I ran. Tears blurred my vision.

I didn't know where I was running to. I found myself in the council's room.

"Put me in!" I yelled at them. "Put me in the damn maze." I demanded. One of the ladies, Evelyn, started talking.

"Nicola," She started. "Why do you want in the maze?" She asked.

"My brother, Newt, killed himself." I choked out. I swear, I saw sympathy in her eyes. "I want to be there for the burial." I answered her question further.

The woman sighed. "All in favor?" To my amazement, the vote was unanimous.

"Thank you, so so so so so much. I can never thank you enough." After I was dismissed, given some rules, bargain a few things such as my phone, charger, earbuds, speaker, and something else. I bargained my memories.

A bargain to remember who my brother was, who Thomas was, who I am, and most importantly, who my friends are and aren't.

I left, and I wound up going down the same hall as Thomas.

"Nici! Nici!" He yelled to me. "Nicola! I heard about Newt. How are you holding up?" He asked as he wrapped me in his warm embrace.

"He's gone." I whispered. That's when I finally let all the tears fall out. "They're putting me in the maze. I begged them." I told him. "I asked to keep my memories of Newt, of you, to keep my phone, charger, speakers, and a few more memories."

Thomas sighed in my ear. "Nicola, I know you're smart, but that was stupid. Is it that important to do that? Put yourself at risk in the maze?" He asked softly.

"Because I love my brother. I need that closer." I responded. Thomas pulled away.

"Be safe." He said. He kissed my forehead. I smiled at him.

"I love you, Tommy." I told him. He smiled back.

"And I you." He smiled and gently kissed my forehead again. "Swear you'll be safe?" I laughed.

"On my life."


I stood at the entrance to the box. Thomas stood next to me and handed me my backpack. He held the syringe that would make me forget W.I.C.K.E.D. and everything about this world. I would remember everybody, but not this place. I held onto my bag straps.

"I will see you very soon, Tommy. I love you." I smiled at him.

"I love you, too. Be safe, British girl." He kissed my forehead, just like Newt had a year and a half ago.

He gently tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. He gently rolled up my long sleeve shirt, and stuck the needle in my arm.

He put his hand on my cheek, gently running him thumb across the bone.

"Ready?" I nodded, and he pushed down on the syringe.


A/N: First chapter! Yeah! And the fact that she keeps her phone is VERY important in the long run of the plot.

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