Zach: "Because you can't tell your wife no."

Callen: "You can't either."

Aubrey: "They are just covers they can be changed out. She wanted them covered to protect the expensive ass furniture you insisted she get."

Callen: "I wanted it to last."

Aubrey: "You have four kids and five is on the way. Shit is going to be ruined."

Zach: "And your wife likes to have paint wars."

I know what he's talking about. They both told me about their first kiss. That is one thing I absolutely love about Greenlee. She has the energy to still be a kid when she needs to be. She can come up with ideas of things to do with the kids in the blink of an eye. We always have fun doing it too.


Callen: "Control your woman Zach."

Zach: "You and I both know our other half's are in control."

He's right. The two have us both wrapped around their fingers. There isn't anything both of us wouldn't do for either of them.

Callen: "Ok. I'm leaving."

I hug them both and thank them then head home. The plan is while we're having dinner a moving crew will be moving out clothes and personals items. Aubrey and Greenlee had everything packed and labeled. Zach and I moved it all to the living room.

Greenlee and I decided to rent our houses. We both own them, and we won't need them ever. I don't want to sell my because even though there are bad memories there, we have just as many good ones. Greenlee doesn't want to sell because it's her Granny's home. I wouldn't want her to sell it.

I make it home. She is on the couch with Coralie asleep on her chest. CJ is beside her asleep. Bria and Zoey are cuddles together on the loveseat sleeping. Walking in on this makes my day. This is when I find my wife most attractive. When she's on the couch hair in a messy bun with no makeup and kids everywhere. She is going to be irritated with me. I'll deal with it though. I need this to happen now. I need us to get in our own space and live our lives.

Greenlee: "Hey."

Callen: "Hey Sweetheart. Looks like I picked a bad time to come home."

Greenlee: "They've been asleep a while. It's about time to wake them up. Do we need to?"

Callen: "Yeah we have somewhere we need to be, and we need to hurry. Aubrey is hangry."

She laughs.

Greenlee: "She's always hungry."

Callen: "Zach told her she isn't allowed to lose the baby weight."

Greenlee: "No he didn't."

Callen: "I swear. I thought she was going to murder and spread his blood all over our home."

She burst out laughing.

Greenlee: "You get the two older ones and I'll get the babies?"

Callen: "Works for me."

~~Greenlee's point of view~~

I have no idea where we are going. I know we are moving into the new house today. Zach and Callen had us pack all of our stuff to be moved. We are moving to our new home. Aubrey is moving in with Zach. I am over the moon happy about the two of them being together. I know what she is getting. She is just getting the love with it. My experience with him was terrific without it. I know hers is above and beyond that.

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