Platonic cuddles- aizawa

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*there will be no chat room this time sorry*

It had been a stormy night and the whole of ua would light up every 2 minutes due to lighting.
You were scared of lightning. Eri was with uncle might for the day since Dadzawa needed a rest you didn't want to bother your teacher but you were really scared. You slowly opened your door and snuck down to the teachers rooms. You knocked on the door and it echoed around the empty hall leaving you with chills

"Who ever is waking me up there better be a good fu- oh y/n what are you doing here" aizawa said his mood changing as soon as he saw you

"M-mr a-aizawa I'm scared" you said as you clung onto him crying.
"Hey y/n shhhh it's okay do you want to come in my room and sleep in my bed would it make you feel safer?" He said stroking your hair

"Y-yes please" you said as you felt him pick you up and close the door. He then placed you on his bed then he got back into where he was laying.

"M-mr A-aizawa, you don't mind me calling you dad right?" You said and a rumble of thunder making you move close to him and cling onto his scarf.

"No I don't mind y/n anyways I'm your legal guardian now so don't you worry" he said as he pulled you close and stroked your hair again

You felt safe and at peace then and you slowly drifted off into a peaceful sleep in aizawa's arms.

You woke up to an empty bed and a cold patch where aizawa once was. You had assumed he had gone to school early and decided to go to the kitchen.

You where met by todoroki sat at the counter on a stool who was by the looks of it studying

You crept quickly past him and noticed aizawa was sat on the sofa with a cup of coffee

You walked up behind him, wrapped your arms around his neck and rested your head on the back of his neck. You felt him jolt as he must've not expected it and you suddenly felt your legs lift off the ground.

Aizawa had picked you up and placed you next to him on the sofa. "Can I braid your hair?" You asked him "sure whatever" he said as he closed his eyes.

You called todoroki over and gave him the job as your assistant to hold the hair ties shoto enjoyed looking at your smile as you braided aizawas hair.

By the end you had put his hair into french braids and put small flower clips in it.

Long story short he now always asks you to braid his hair before work/ after his shower and you don't mind because you get a cuddle session with your dad after it

Sorry it's such a short story but I hope you enjoyed I did get half this suggestion so thank you whoever suggested it :)

Have a lovely  day /night
A/n: Georgie

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