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"When you find the person you love, Quill, don't you dare give up on them."


Gina, age 10.

Gina trembled at her mistress, Miss Karina's, pointed finger. It was aimed at Angelica.

No, no, no, no. She thought. Not the mill. Anything but the mill.

"You," Karina snarled. "Go up to the mill, brat. Get out of my sight."

Gina arched her back and put her foot forward. She wasn't going to let her only friend get hurt. The little girl was six years old. She deserved better than this

"I will go," she spoke loudly, so everyone would hear. "I will take Angelica's place." Little 'Lica trembled beside her. The mill was a large textile factory populated by homeless children who couldn't get anything better. The conditions were horrific, and it was always populated with heartless men whose only concern was money. Many of the people who went never came back. And those who did were always damaged in some way.

Karina turned her icy cold eyes on her. Gina stared straight back. She knew better than to look away. Karina took that as a sign of weakness and you would never be able to get her to grant your request. Finally, Miss Karina looked away, dissatisfied.

"Go girl," Karina dismissed her with a flip of a finger. "What do I care?"

Gina scrunched Lica's tiny hand with her own. It would be okay. If 'Lica was safe then more time in the mil was worth it. Anything was worth it.

Sometimes she wondered at how much the little girl had come to mean to her. She hadn't grown attached to any of the other orphans. But 'Lica was special. Somehow the child reminded Gina of herself four years ago.

That hasn't been so long ago, Gina thought sadly. I've had to grow up so fast these last few years.

As she trudged out the door with a heavy heart, she fixed her mind on the smile on Lina's face.

Is worth it, she reminded herself. If that little girl has a chance to do something with her life unlike the others mercilessly worked to death, that no amount of dirt or sludge or textile machines can stop me. I will protect her to the end.

"'Wina?" Angelica said, grabbing her hand as she made her way to the door.

"What is it Angelica?" she breathed in a soft voice, looking around to ensure that they hadn't provoked Karina's wrath by talking. Then this all would have been in vain.

"Be safe...." Angelica told her, giving her a hug. "I love you."

"I love you too Lina. Take care of the other girls for me while I'm gone. Don't let Karina hurt them."

Angelica nodded, her tight curls bouncing.

Gina had to tug her arm out of Lina's grip. It was so sad; so very hard to walk from her as she stood standing at the doorway with her frightened green eyes. But this was what Gina had decided to do long ago. Protect the others as she had not been protected. Give them a chance. She wanted them to be given a fair shot at life, and there was not a place where they would find happiness easily.

Gina scurried out after Karina shot her a deadly ice glare. As she fled up to the mill, going up and over the small hill, through the village square, and around the bend, she wondered if her miserable life would ever change.

Little did she know just how much it would. Or how much another suffered at that same moment, unknowing of how they would meet.


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