Chapter 15: The Day The World Changed

Start from the beginning

They nodded together and went back to silence.

Quill spoke first, "We need a strategy. A formal one. We discussed tactics back at Woodside, but we never agreed on anything."

Woodside feels like it happened years ago instead of days, Gina thought to herself.

"How about grab and stab?" Ro suggested, flicking a bug off of her pants.

"Perhaps something a little more detailed...." he said with a small smile.

"What if Gina uses her enhanced abilities to channel Quill's power?" Amryn asked.

"That could work. Gina and I would subdue the creature's will while you and Ro could sneak in and finish it off. Vienn said during one of the briefings that the scales of this creature are massive and almost unbreakable. Maybe Gina can amp Ro's strength to the max and then Ro can go at the scales with speed from Amryn?"

"I like it. Me and Amryn hacking and bashing. Sounds good to me." Ro shot Gina a devilish grin. "Healergizer here finally has a use."

"I've always had a use!" Gina called back. "Besides, this mission relies on me. You should be trying to stay on my good side."

Ro "hmphed" nonchalantly, and went back to sitting.

They waited for hours until the sun had already reached its peak and started its descent. The air was cooler, and the shadows were setting in over the treetops. They waited in silence for the moment.

"We're getting readings! The creature is below us! Directly under this area. Everyone, get back! Brace yourselves."

Gina and Quill hurriedly hid behind the nearest tent as Ro and Amryn raced the other way.

"Wait-" Gina called after them. This was bad. She was already shaking from anticipation, and now their team was separated. They needed to be together for their strategy.

"I'll run in first and power up Ro," Gina decided, talking out loud. "And then I'll come back for you Quill. I know it's going to be dangerous getting over to her now, but I have to try. She needs power to break through the scales."

I just hope it's enough. We haven't had very long to plan.

Quill's lips thinned in concern. "Gina, you have to take care of yourself. This team needs you... I need you. Promise me you won't put yourself at risk unnecessarily."

Gina took Quill's face in her hands. "I'll stay safe," she whispered. Then before she could think better of it she raised herself on tiptoe and gently pressed her lips to his. She pulled away to get ready for the battle, but he grabbed her arm and pulled her back into him. "Gina," he smiled. "Let me kiss you properly."

He tugged her to him and his lips found hers for the second time. The kiss was soft and warm. Everything Gina had imagined.

She ended the kiss and gave him a hug.

"No matter what happens today, know that I love you," she said.

He kissed her hands. "I love you too."

The ground beneath them began to toss and roll, throwing them around violently, as well as the other scientist's equipment.

This is it, she thought. She got ready to run to Ro.

The Fu'nas shot from the ground with an earth-shattering roar; the trees shook and the ground quaked beneath her feet. All around her was chaos; tents in a wild array, things flung from the ground; all uprooted as the monstrous beast tore them to shreds.

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