Part 2

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A/N: The picture above is what Sam wore, and in Soda's POV the grammar is bad to make it more realistic, since he had bad spelling in the book. Enjoy!

"Oh man Dally's going to flip when he finds out!" Two Bit laughed. "Don't tell him, please Two." Samantha begged. "Alright fine I won't tell hi-" But then he looked up and saw Dally. Samantha punched Two Bit's arm and jumped on Dally's back. "Everything Two Bit says is a lie." She hummed. "Sammy has a crush on Soda and Ponyboy." Two Bit smirked. "Sam, is that true?" Dally took Sam off of his back. "No! Yes it's true." She muttered. "I'm fine with Pony, but Soda? He's two years older than you." Dally sighed. "It's just a little crush Dal!" Sam huffed. "How about you tell the both of them you like them and go on dates then choose?" Two Bit suggested. "Keith I think that's the most smartest thing you've ever said." Samantha said in awe. "Why thank you." Two Bit bowed and walked inside. "I don't like the idea of you guys going out." Dally growled. "They won't do anything, calm down Dal." Sam punched his arm. "Alright fine. But if Soda or Pony put a hand on you, they're both dead." Dally sighed again. "Yay, thank you." Sam smiled and kissed Dally's cheek. "Go tell the two knuckleheads." Dally chuckled. Sam walked into the living room and it was just Pony and Soda sitting there. Two Bit was in the corner and winked. Sam flipped Two Bit off quickly and sat next to the two boys. "Hey you guys, can uh can I tell you something?" She scratched her head. "What do you need Sammy?" Soda smiled. "I uh kind of like the both of you." She muttered. "You do?" Pony asked. Sam nodded and looked at the ground. "Wow uh. Well I like you too, I don't know about Pony though." Soda nudged him. "I like her too." Pony murmured. "Two Bit had this suggestion, it was kind of weird but I think it'll help decide. I go on a date with one of you, one night then the other night I go out with the other person." Sam said softly. "That's actually smart, Two Bit thought of that?" Soda chuckled. Sam nodded and laughed. "Rock paper scissors to see who takes her out first?" Pony suggested. Soda nodded and then they both did it. Soda won, and Sam felt butterflies in her stomach. "Well, looks like I'm taking you out first sugar." Soda winked at her. "Shut up Soda." Sam muttered. "Does Dally know you like us?" Pony asked. "Yep, surprisingly, he's okay with it." Sam smiled. "Tonight at 6:00, gives you about an hour to prepare for the date." Soda got up and walked into his bedroom. "Today?! Oh god." Sam muttered to herself. "I could help you get ready, and Soda could help you get ready when we go on a date." Pony suggested. "Really? Thanks Pony." Sam hugged him. Pony's face went red, and Sam quickly pulled away. "Now, let's go to the store. Do you have any money?" Pony asked. Sam shook her head no but then remembered her 15 dollars from Buck. "Yes I do, Buck gave me some money." Sam took the 15 dollars out. "Alright let's go." Pony got up. "Darry, Sam and I are going to the store we'll be back in an hour!" Pony shouted. "Alright!" Darry shouted back. The two of them walked out of the house and went to a small cheap store for women. "I don't want a dress." Sam whined. "Alright, we can get a nice outfit then." Pony claimed. They both looked around for a bit until Pony saw the perfect outfit for her. "This is it." He said as he held the outfit up. It was a short white sleeved shirt, with a green jacket and jeans. "Oh my gosh it looks amazing! I'll go try it on." Sam smiled. Pony gave her the outfit and Sam went into the dressing room to put it on. She walked out and Pony turned a bright pink. "You look very nice in it." He muttered. "Why thank you." Sam bowed and went to go take the clothes off. When she came out, Pony smiled. "Let's go pay." he said. They both went to pay, and it was only 10 dollars. "I'm gonna ask Dally if I can use his Saint Christopher's necklace." Sam grinned as they both walked out of the store. "Want to go get ice cream?" Pony suggested. "I'm buying." Sam said. They walked towards Dairy Queen and got the ice cream. "Where do you think he'll take you?" Pony asked. "I don't know, this is Soda we're talking about." Sam laughed. They both walked back to The Curtis house and Dally was watching TV. "Can I use your Saint Christopher's necklace?" Sam asked. "Loose it and your dead." Dally threw the necklace to her. "Thanks Dal." She smiled. Soda came out of his room. "Go get dressed, I'll change in the bathroom." Soda punched Sam's arm. "Don't punch my arm." Sam whined as she walked into Soda's room. Soda walked into the bathroom as Sam got dressed and fixed her hair. "This is really happening." She whispered softly. She walked out and Two Bit was standing in front of the door. "You look very nice, Soda will love it." He smirked. Sam walked into the living room and all eyes were on her, she looked amazing. "Woah." Soda whispered. Pony was blushing furiously. "Touch her and your dead Soda." Dally got up. "I won't, you've never had a problem with us going somewhere before." Soda whined. "Well I do now." Dally huffed. "Be back by 10." Darry smiled. Sam walked up to Soda and took his hand. "No kids yet." Two Bit teased. "Be quiet Keith." Sam stuck her tongue out at him and shut the door. "You look amazing." Soda whispered. "You do too Soda." Sam smiled. Soda had a button up shirt, and his hair was combed back. "Where are we going?" She asked. "You'll see." Soda grinned. The two of them walked for a bit, and ended up on a hill with a blanket. "A picnic!" Soda did jazz hands and grinned. "It looks amazing." Sam grinned. They both sat down and talked for a while, eating sandwiches. When they finished, the two of them walked back to the house. They both stopped in front of the door and Soda smiled. "That was really fun Soda." Sam whispered.

                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Soda's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

My eyes flikered to Sam's lips and then back at her face, god she was beautaful. "It was?" I asked. Sam nodded and I blushed. I really liked her, really. My heart was beeting fast, ponding in my ears and I knew this was my only chance to make a move to kiss her. Sam looked at me and we locked eyes for a second. I saw her blush, and thought it was adorble. She quickley looked down at the ground and muttered something. "Hm?" I asked. "Nothing!" She saied. I lifted her chin, smiling a bit. "Sodaaa." Sam squrmied. I took a dep breathe and kissed her. She had soft lips, gentlal and warm. When she kissed back, my hole world melted and it was amazuing. She smiled thrugh the kiss and pulled back.                     

                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sam's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The date was the time of my life, we talked about the most random things ever like we normally do. When we stopped at the door of The Curtis' house, I saw Soda looking at my lips. "Is was?" He asked in awe. I nodded and Soda blushed furiously. I locked eyes with him, and I never realized how pretty they were. I felt my face go red, so I quickly looked down. I muttered, "You look cute." and thankfully, he didn't hear it. "Hm?" He questioned me. "Nothing!" I said quickly. Soda lifted my chin, and it was the closest our faces have ever been. "Sodaaa." I squirmed a bit, flustered. Then, he kissed me. His lips were a little chapped, but warm and the kiss was gentle. I kissed back and smiled, realizing my first kiss was with my best friend. I pulled back.    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back to 3rd Person POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The two of them opened the door, and everyone was inside watching TV. "How was the date lovebirds?" Two Bit cocked his eyebrow. "It was good." Sam smiled. "Did you touch her?" Dally asked, standing up and pulling Sam close to him. "No sir." Soda lied. Pony looked a little sad, so Sam decided to cheer him up. "Hey Pony, remember we go on our date tomorrow." She smiled. Pony's face lit up. "I'm going to my room. See ya later you guys." Soda winked at Sam and walked into his room. "I'm going to go talk to him." Dally got up. "Don't hurt him." Sam rolled her eyes. "No promises." Dally grinned and walked into the room. "I'll supervise him." Pony followed him. "They're all gone, what happened during the date?" Two Bit smirked. "Well uh, we kissed." Sam murmured. "Ha! Steve owes me 5 dollars." Two Bit grinned. "When are you and Pony going out?" Darry asked. "I don't know, tomorrow maybe." Sam shrugged. "Make sure to be back by 9 then." Darry smiled. "I know Darry." Sam rolled her eyes. Dally walked out of the bedroom with Pony behind him. "Let's go kiddo." Dally smiled. Sam hopped on his back and grinned. "See you guys!" Sam waved. Dally walked out with Sam on his shoulders. "You guys kissed." Dally said. "How did you know that?" Sam asked in awe. "Your a terrible liar, and besides, Soda told me." Dally laughed. "Jerk." Sam stuck her tongue out. The siblings walked to Buck's and went in the room they usually were in. "Go to bed, it's 11 at night." Dally ordered. "Fine." Sam rolled her eyes and changed into her Pj's and curled up next to Dally, wondering what the next day would bring.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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