Chapter 3

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After a game of Truth and Dare, me and the girls left the compartment to change but that kiss was lingering in my mind like a clingy puppy. Thinking about it made me blush like a madman but I had to control it, however impossible it may seem. I never realized when we were finished and made out way to the compartment, the feel of his lips on my cheek seemed more important at that moment. But why? I don't like him at all, at least in that way. He is like my friend. It just feels so confusing. A month ago, I would not have even considered him my friend.

 As the compartment grew nearer, I pushed the thought of James away and proceeded to open the door. At the same time, I could feel a backward pull. I turned around to see Marlene asking me to follow her. She led me to an empty component and was staring at me with a smirk on her face

. " What is with that look?" I asked with the most innocent look on my face. Low-key I knew she wanted to talk to me about all the things that happened which the Lily month ago would not have approved. 

"A kiss from James on the cheek, your blush and overthinking: Lily I know you well enough to know that something is up." She asked, that smirk still prominent on her face. That low-key reminded me of James' signature smirk. " It is nothing you need to worry about Marlene. I am fine and what you said about the blush and overthinking is not true." I said.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

We returned to the compartment to find James and Alice talking about something serious but it turned out or be Mrs Potter's famous Shepherd's pie. Sirius was busy fixing his hair. Ignoring all this peculiarities, I sat next to Remus, who was reading.

 "What are you reading? Something interesting?" I asked. Remus and I have always bonded over our love for reading. His taste in literature is quite fascinating. He mostly read Jane Austen. I have always refrained from classics but the books Remus recommended were interesting. 

"Oh yes! Reading Pride and Prejudice for the 4th time because I couldn't find anything else." He said without looking up from his book. " You should try Virginia Woolf." After reading some books recommend by Remus, I decided to try out other authors to expand my taste. During the holidays I visited the central library and asked for the librarian's suggestion. The librarian pulled out a book called  Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf. It followed a day in the life of a high-society English women, Clarissa Dalloway. 

" Oh! I do read her. It's really fascinating. You started reading her this summer?" Remus asked. He had put down his book. " Yes! I wanted to try out some new ones when Jane Austen beguiled me." I could feel the train slowing down. " We should probably get going." James said to which I nodded a yes.

We got down from the train to see Hagrid with his lamp calling out first years. " James, Lily, how ya doin'? Pleasan' ride I suppose. " "Oh yes! Really  splendid. How was your holiday?" James and I chorused before looking away from each other, red as a tomato. "Just the usual. Y'all should get goin' or you might miss the carriages." "See ya, Hagrid!" James waved at Hagrid and rushed towards the entrance. I followed him. The ride was not so pleasant. British weather is... well you know. It started raining the minute the carriage took off. My excitement tripled. This will be the last first day. I will miss Hogwarts. I will miss my Home.

This was a short chapter! But I hope you all enjoy it!!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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