About half-way through his solo act I felt eyes on me. That isn't totally uncommon, we both have a couple regulars that are a little too enthusiastic sometimes. I figured it was just Greg, my devoted, self-proclaimed number one fan. I brushed it off and cheered on Jake.

"Alright. Thank you, very much. Now I'd like for you all to help me welcome my lovely and talented friend and duet partner; Ms. Adelyn Thompson."

People cheered and clapped as I stood up and walked onto stage as I waved to them. "Hey everyone. It's so good to see so many faces here tonight! Thank you so much for coming out."

I sat at the piano for our fourth and final duet of the night. It usually makes me a little sad because it reminds me of Dean and my feelings I still have.

I was blinking away tears by the end. God I miss Dean. I glanced out at the crowd as we were done and put on a smile.

I looked around, still feeling that intense gaze on me. But I'm literally on the stage now so it's probably just that. When Jake took his bow I clapped for him along with the audience. "Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Jake Garrison!" They all cheered a little louder as he waved then walked off the stage.

I did my set; having as much fun as I could. I played another emotional one. It's one I don't play too often because it makes me think of Dean but I've been wanting to do it again for a few days; You are the Reason by Calum Scott.

I ended with a fun upbeat one, then it was time to have a few drinks.

I bounced over to the bar as the music played through the bar as it switched to recorded music. "Hey, Addie. Great set, girl." Rachel said with a smile. She's the best bartender in this place and a really great friend. We've gotten close in the last few months since I started working here.

"Thanks, Rach." "Your usual?" She asked me. I nodded, "Please." A minute later she sat a whiskey in front of me.

After it was about half-way gone she came over to me again, glancing behind me with a grin. "Don't look now, but you have a major God-like man staring at you. He's been checking you out for a while now."

I blushed, not used to that. I nodded casually and took a sip of my drink before trying to casually look around the bar slowly to look for who she meant.

I felt the air leave my body. I jumped off my chair.

"What? Addie, what's wrong?" Rachel asked as I walked around the bar with my drink, trying to get to the other side.

"Nothing. It's just... that's Dean."

Her jaw fell. "Oh my God. No way. THAT hunk of a man is Dean?" I nodded and looked over to see him looking worried about my reaction. I downed the rest of my drink quickly. "Can you get me another?" I asked her and handed her my glass as I looked away from him again. She nodded, "Yeah, sure thing, Addie."

After that whiskey I was ready to leave. I was going to walk the couple blocks home. This town has always made me feel safe. God, what is Dean doing here, though? I was not expecting him to ever turn up here. I bet those are the eyes I felt on me all night.

Outside I paused to take in a deep breath of the cool, fresh, late-night air. That's when I heard that deep voice behind me. "Addie?"

"What are you doing here, Dean?" I asked without turning to look at him. I heard his foot steps come closer to me and all my nerves were on edge being near him again.

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