Chapter 21 - games

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Once I finish getting ready to see Draco and go to the game night I sneak up to the tower. I step up and see Draco looking at the sky, shaking his hands.

He does that when he's nervous.

He turns and sees me and smiles. He walks up to me "What's all this?" I say pointing at the fairy lights around the tower.

"Just a little something," he says smiling even harder. He grabs my hand in his and kisses my cheek.

He sits on the floor and shows me the stars and we talk and laugh for a bit. I look at my watch and it's 8:32

"Oh Draco this has been great but I need to get back"

"That's fine I'll see you tomorrow love." He soft pecks my lips.

I rush back down to the gryffindor common room. I mutter the password and see Cedric, Harry, the twins, and Oliver yelling about quidditch while Hermione and Ginny set up the games. "Oh Julia welcome."

The boys go quiet and look at me as I sit down with Ginny and Hermione. "Ok well who is ready to get crushed in uno?" I say jokingly.

"Heh you wish Jules." Cedric says coming over to the game setup. A couple rounds in, we hear the door open.

We turn and see professor mcgonagall come through

"Oh." She looks at us then at the games, then at me

"Just don't stay up too late" she says giving us a wink and she walks up to her dormitory. We all giggle and continue to play.

The games break into chaos. Ginny and Cedric are yelling at how the games should be played, Neville is in the corner scared to death by all the yelling, Oliver and the twins are talking nonsense about quidditch shit, The Golden trio is just judging everyone and laughing their butts off.

A few hours later everyone is tired out and Cedric falls asleep on the couch while the rest of the group is in their dorms.

I walk up to Hermione's dorm and we talk and study for the upcoming tests we have.

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