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"I don't think I was talking to you, Weasley," She said bluntly, shooting a look at Weasley before turning to Granger. Potter was sort of just idly standing there, green eyes staring at her carefully as though she were an animal about to pounce. "Granger, did Flitwick talk to you about —" She paused, glancing over at the two boys and giving them each a once-over. "About — you know what?"

"Uhm," Granger squinted slightly. "Sorry?"

Indiana's tongue ran up to the top of her teeth, sucking on them in frustration for a moment. "Can I talk to you?"

"You're talking to her," Weasley said. Before Indiana could snap something else, Granger shot Weasley a look and shoved him aside a bit so he wasn't in front of her. Potter was still staring.

"Is this about —" Granger began, but Indiana raised her brows, eyelids rising. The other girl paused and opened her mouth a bit as though she understood. "The — the thing?"

"Yes," Indiana nodded twice. "Exactly."

Granger tucked a piece of her bushy hair behind her ear before craning her head back to look at Weasley and Potter. "Go on without me."

"And leave you with her?" Potter said incredulously, his gaze meeting Indiana's. Her eyes twitched, her lips pressing together firmly.

"Yes, because if she's alone with me, I'm bound to bloody her up," Indiana said dryly. "Quit being a prat, Potter, I just want to talk."

"You quit being an arse — !"

"You quit being a — !"

"It's fine, Harry!" Granger shrilled, shoulders tensing as she spotted the Gryffindor and Slytherin close in on one another, extending a hand to push Potter backwards and away from Indiana. "Just go, alright? I'll see you two in the common room."

"Bye," Indiana sing-songed. A muscle in Potter's surprisingly sharp jaw twitched, his expression hardening. He didn't move for a moment, body still yet his eyes were flickering with anger; Weasley drew him back by his shoulder, and with that, the two boys left the room.

"I didn't think you needed tutoring," Granger spoke carefully as the pair of them exited the classroom. Indiana had never in her life walked alone with a Gryffindor (McGonagall didn't count), especially a Muggleborn one at that. If her father could see her, she'd be totally dead.

"Yes, well, I don't go around sharing that I'm shit at Charms," Indiana muttered, her hand gripping the strap of her bag tightly. "'Specially in front of your lot."

Granger didn't say anything in regards to this. She only sent Indiana a glance and whether it was a curious one or a scolding one, she wasn't positive. The only thing she took note of was how similar Granger's hair was to her own and how Granger kept looking up at the Slytherins.

"What's your deal with Harry and Ron, anyways?" Granger spoke slowly and casually as though she didn't really care. Indiana cocked an eyebrow up and let out a tiny scoff.

"I didn't have an issue with them at first, you know," Indiana told her, spotting a piece of her hair that had fallen out of place over her forehead. She blew a bit of air upwards to blow it back up. "But they were twats to me and my friends."

"You're no better," Granger mumbled. "And you hang out with Malfoy."

"So? Draco's alright when he wants to be," Indiana shrugged. "You hang out with Weasley. The only Weasley I'd ever consider hanging out with is Fred. He was funny. Anyways — how'd you snag Weaselbee?"

"What?" Granger flushed slightly but remained composed. "I dunno."

"Did you charm him with your... excessive participation in class?" Indiana snorted, to which the red in Granger's face deepened. "Your top marks?"

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