Newt AU- Void pt. 4

Start from the beginning

Thomas shook in both fear and determination to get her to stop. "Don't make me do this." He warned. He didn't want to do this to his friend. Although, it was hard for him not to do so when she had already done a lot of damage in just a few minutes.

"Tommy, put that down." Newt demanded as he slowly stood up, regaining his consciousness before it leaves him.

The brunette did not take notice of the older boy's warning as he made eye contact with the void. Her expression changed and tears welled up in her eyes as she turned to Newt. "He's gonna kill me, Blondie." She sobbed. "Tommy's gonna stab me."

Believing that the real Y/N was still in her, Newt yelled for Thomas to stop himself before anything happens. "Stop!" The way she acted almost fooled Thomas until she turned to him again with frown. "Go on, stab me."

It had only gotten him dizzy when they started screaming right into his ears. Got him to be anything but decisive.

"Thomas, no!"

"Kill me!"

"Don't listen to whatever's in my girlfriend's body!"

"Kill me, you coward!"

Just the way things the Void wanted it to be; people couldn't be capable of making up their minds. All seem to be suffering to break free from the strife that has possessed Void's target.

Thomas couldn't bring himself to choose which one of them would he follow. "Thomas, she's just getting into your head." Alby chimed, siding with his second in command.

His remark made the voided girl laugh amusingly. Not to mention, sun was beginning to go down. It excited Void Y/N when the maze doors began to close.

It was time for chaos.

"Why you catch up quick." She blathered, taking out one of the blades that she took from a griever's tail. The void let them watch as she grazed it over her palm lightly before slashing a deep cut on her palm.

Blood soon seeped out of the gash like moonshine coming out of an open flask. She let it smear all over the small silver blade as she whispered, "Chaos has come to feast."

With that, she allegedly pierced the blade on the ground.

The Gladers got alarmed when the closing of the Maze doors suddenly came into a halt. Some were panicking, and some were confused. It fed the Void's pleasure to see them like so.

"What have you done?" Thomas couldn't believe it was happening again. He looked at the mischievous female with his adrenaline pumping out of his system as he hastily helped Newt up as well as Alby, giving the leader of the Glade a piece of cloth to stop his thigh from bleeding.

Once again, Void only laughed at the boys as she skipped her way to the exit. "You might wanna get your Gladers ready for the Grievers." She said to them whilst putting both of her hand behind her back nonchalantly.

The whirring sound of the monstrous creatures were getting closer as she walked out of the hut hollering, "Have fun getting rid of them!"

Newt couldn't help but groan in disappointment. Yet, he knew that it wasn't going to help them. "Thomas, you need to help them before they get captured by those Grievers. Grab every weapon you can find and find a place to hide." He instructed.

Thomas nodded as he stepped out of the hut. He was ready to his fellow men to hide themselves or fight. However, it was too late for them to prepare as soon as they heard the shrills of the grievers.


The Gladers couldn't bare to fall asleep after the grievers came to ambush all of them that night. The little soirée could possibly scar them for life.

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