Chapter 1

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Olivia's POV
I woke up to my mother screaming. "OLIVIA GET YOUR ASS UP NOW YOU ARE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" I quickly got up and got dressed. I went to the bathroom brushed my teeth quickly. I ran down downstairs and out the door. I texted my best friend Evelyn.

O: ev! I slept in VERY late! Can you PLEASE  come pick me up!!! :(

E: ofc. I'll be there in 5:)

O: omg tysm! Ur a life saver! :)

I put my phone away and patiently waited for Evelyn. She pulled up and I got in the car with her. "Step on the fucking gas." She chuckled lightly "well hello to you too." We got to school and ran inside. I went down the steps leading to my classroom when I missed a Damn step. I fell down and hit my head at the bottom. Everything went black

My best friends mindजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें