𝟑𝟓. 𝐀𝐝𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬

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I woke up to Thomas' partially annoying voice. Newt shifted beside me asking Thomas if the cranks had gone. Looking around Thomas said they were so we all got ready to leave. Newt came up to me and asked if we could talk so I nodded and followed him to a more secluded place away from the others. He turned to me, pausing for a second before speaking. "What did you mean when you said you got your memories back?" I looked down before taking a deep breath and looking back up to face Newt. "I meant I got them back, all of them. I don't know why they did but they did. I remember every single detail a-and every single moment of my life before the maze and the worst part is I can't even think of a reason why they would choose to give ME my memories back and not everyone else's. And I'm sorry, I should have tried telling you sooner but we were escaping WCKD a-and the cranks after that and I'm sorry for that and all of the stuff that happened before the maze." Newt's face grew worried. "What happened before the maze? What aren't you telling me love?" I took another deep breath before telling him everything. When I finished explaining I took a deep breath and sat down as Newt stood there trying to figure out everything that I had just told him. He sat down beside me and took my hand in his, rubbing his thumb over the promise ring he'd given me all the way back in the maze. I looked back up at him as his eyes met mine. "I... I'm sorry Casey. I didn't realize what you've been dealing with lately and I'm truly sorry for that. I've been wrapped up in my own bloody head trying to keep everyone together and Tommy from doing something that would get us all killed and I'm sorry. I love you." I kissed him softly before pulling away. "I love you too Newt, and I'm sorry for not paying attention to what was bothering you too. Now let's get ready to go so that WCKD won't get us." I stood up and helped him up, we walked back over to the rest of the group both visibly happier than we'd been before as he linked his hand with mine. When we got back I realized that Winston wasn't looking too great so I asked him what was wrong and he shrugged it off saying it was just from the night before but he'd be fine. I nodded as we continued o, walking through the broken city. Thomas and I heard a hovercraft so we all hid under some rubble. After it was out of sight we all continued on, I grew worried as Winston continued to get worse until we reached a sand hi;; and Winston fell beside me. I tried catching him as we all asked him what was wrong till we decided to make a sling of sorts to carry him with. We all helped him the best we could as conditions got worse and we had to stop and find somewhere to lay low for a while. Thomas and Teresa were talking elsewhere so I decided to join them as Teresa was telling Thomas about getting her memories back. As she talked I realized why they gave us back our memories. Because they WANTED us to side with them and convince everyone to stay at WCKD. Suddenly a gunshot went off and we bolted back to the group fearing the worst. The realization hit of how badly the situation with Winston was when he lifted his shirt to show that he was starting to turn into a crank. My heart broke at the sight as he begged to not become one of them. Reluctantly Newt gave Winston the gun and everyone said their last goodbyes to Winston. Thomas and I were the last ones left as I saw Newt a little ways away looking back. Winston asked us to take care of the rest of them and we promised we would before I gave Winston's hand a squeeze before getting up and walking with the rest of them. We heard the gunshot and my heart sank a little more. We continued walking until night where we started a fire and talked about the situation with the immunity to the flare. Days and nights repeated themselves after until one night Thomas told us all to wake up and showed us that there were lights off in the distance as a storm started up. We all began running as I took Newt's hand not wanting to get separated in the sand, all of us sticking together so as to not lose each other when Minho got electrocuted. We rushed back to help Minho as Newt and I picked him up helping Minho inside. We all tried to wake him up as I stepped back fearing the worst until Minho groaned and I let out a sigh of relief. As they helped him up Teesa and I took a small look around our surroundings, that's when the cranks made themselves known. A girl around our age came over and told us to follow her to which we all did. She led us to a room filled with lights as she took us to see a guy named Jorge. More people followed us as I grabbed Newt's hand and whispered that this didn't feel right, he nodded in agreement before turning our attention back to the room where the Jorge guy was waiting. He asked where we'd been, and where we were going to which Thomas told him we were trying to find the right arm. He asked where we had come from when Minho's neck was scanned and gave away the fact we were from WCKD. I began freaking out when my vision started going black.

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