Episode 9 - A new band arrives and hangout with Hello, Happy World!

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The next morning

Kouta wake up and get up quickly then grab his guitar and went out his room

Kouta:Chizuru i gotta go to the live CIRCLE.

Chizuru:*offscreen*Ok take care yourself.

Kouta left the house and went to the live CIRCLE

Marina:Hey Kouta,wow you arrived quickly.

Kouta:Mhmm...is Sayo was here?

Marina:Yep she's here at the studio.

Kouta:Great! Thanks Marina.*enter the studio and saw Sayo*

Sayo:Oh Kouta you arrived just in time.

Kouta:Yes indeed.*sit besides her and grab his guitar*Can you teach me how to play a guitar,cause i'm not good at it.

Sayo:*smile*Ok i will teach you.


Sayo starts teaching Kouta

- intro -

Marina clean up the floor then Yukina and the others are arrived

Marina:Hey Yukina.

Yukina:Hello we want to practice.


They went in the studio and they saw Kouta and Sayo are practicing the guitar play

Sayo:Yes that's it Kouta,you're doing a great job.

Kouta:Yeah...thanks for teaching me Sayo.

Sayo:Anytime Kouta.

Yukina:Umm...what are you doing?

Sayo:I teaching him to play a guitar.

Yukina:Hmm...i see.

Kouta:Oh hey girls you gonna practice here?


Kouta:Alright,i'm gonna go now.

Ako:And Kouta don't forget to play NFO with us!

Kouta:Ok,i keep that in mind Ako.*went out the studio*

Marina:Kouta we have news for this event.

Kouta:Oh what is it?

Marina:There's a new band are coming to the live CIRCLE.

Kouta:Oh really? What is it?

Marina:The band known as RAISE A SUILEN!

Kouta:Raise A Suilen?

Marina:Yep the newest band in the world about rock,techna and sometimes Engrish music lines.

Kouta:Oh i see...so when they arrived?

Marina:Let just say right about...now.

5 girls enter the live CIRCLE

Marina:Welcome to the Live CIRCLE.

???:Ah yes we like to performed here of the upcoming event.

Marina:Sure and this is my new staff member.


??? 2:*fangirling*Oh my god! He's so cute~!!!

Kouta blushes shy

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