The Battle of Village Cpyralle

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The First Order Council settled into the party in the estate in the hills of Glee Anslem and celebrated their victory over the resistance once again. Officers and the Knights of Ren all relaxed in the lush flat and took to their own vices--a billiards table, a jacuzzi, a pool, fireplace, books, a free bar, and anything else their little hearts could desire. Ren watched quietly as his higher commands destressed in the party, knowing they needed this but felt that something was wrong nearby. 

Rey poked her head around the corner, dressed in a black robe, trying once again to confront Kylo Ren and save him from the dark. She felt hesitant to actually do it, though, as she had inner conflict about herself. Did she even want to be a Jedi anymore? Who was right in the end? She knew Ren wouldn't recognize her, so she had time to decide--she had taken a masking elixir, she cant be recognized.

Rey started in the jacuzzi, looking around at the wealthy council of the First Order enjoying the sun and the weather. By the poolside was an unmasked Kylo Ren, looking at the city that this estate was just out of reach from: Village Cpyralle.

Rey began to walk toward Kylo, attempting to walk around the pool to catch him on the long side. Just as she rounds her last corner, he gets up and moves to the jacuzzi, still looking out at the city. This cycle continues a couple times as Rey contemplates what she will tell Ren, with no clear resolutions.

"Hey! Take off that hood, Captain, we're celebrating, not sulking," said a scruffy-looking general basking in the pool next to Hux. He had lust in his eyes, and Rey was repulsed by his hunger for her. He still stood in the water but he had blocked her from following Ren further. He now hung onto the gate next to the city. What was going on there that Rey couldn't sense?

"I said, celebrate, sweetheart," said the general. His cheesy moustache and monocle irritated Rey, and she turned to him barely able to contain her flaring anger. "Is there something you need, General...?" Rey asked, under the new understanding that she must be some pretty-looking Captain. The general grabbed her hand and she yanked it back. "Yes, Captain, I need you to get out of your uniform and join us in the water." 

Instinctually, Rey lept in the air and backflipped onto the flat's roof. It wasn't high, but the General couldn't climb up or reach her. All she needed was a higher ground for protection. 
"Come down here, miss. We can show you a great time," the General persisted. Rey saw that Hux couldn't care less, and looked to Ren, who was now by the jacuzzi again. She looked back to the General and said, "I don't want any of what you can offer."

Ren disappeared with his knights, and Rey could feel something was wrong. The General was also losing his temper. "Look, I don't know where you were recruited from, or when you came aboard, but I can get you transferred to a life of luxury, with minimal work--" 

"Not now, Monocle," Rey interrupted, listening to the force to try to inform herself of what was happening. She continued to crouch on the corner of the roof, looking for Ren or anything indicative of what was going on. The General noticed after a moment of silence.

"It's Ren, isn't it? I saw you gawking at him." Rey snapped her head up and craned it slowly toward the General, glaring at him. "Yes, Miss Captain, I've seen you following him through the whole party. What is it that attracts you to him, the power? The lightsaber? The cape? Or is it his endless dark eyes and full luscious locks that make him so irresistible?"

Rey contemplated her response--she didn't want to cause a scene and risk getting caught, but her patience with this balding headache was running out. The General was standing on a table to get his head over the edge of the roof. Rey thought about shoving her foot in his mouth while he was speaking. Instead, she chose peace. "You don't know what you're talking about."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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