Chapter 16

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Oops we left it there for a long while didn't we. But good news! My mental state is improving again, so now I actually feel motivated to do something other than sleep or lay around. I already read a few pages of my book. Now to write for awhile.

Current jams: anything ENOi has ever put out. I'm obsessed with them. Laon is now my third ult I love them so much. And No Diggity by Oneus. I've been waiting for their comeback.


Yixing stared blankly down at the tiny velvet box that Tao presented him with last week, twirling it around in his fingers. He said very little as he handed it over, just told him to have a good Christmas and to hand it over to Junmyeon when he was ready to do so. Then off he went to talk to Yifan once again. At first Yixing didn't understand. But after the party died down and people began to leave, he risked a glance inside the box, locked away from Junmyeon in case he happened to try and find him.

A ring. A promise ring to be exact. A delicate little silver band with a single blue stone. Fitting for someone as precious as Junmyeon. But why hand it over to him? Why not present it to Junmyeon himself. It obviously wasn't cheap. And it was obvious from the way that Tao looked at Junmyeon that he would hang the moon in the sky for the first year if he asked.

"You okay?" Yixing dared ask, stuffing the box in his sweater pocket quickly as the door banged open. Junmyeon strode inside, seemingly fuming. He slammed the door behind him, throwing his bag from his shoulder. Then he tilted his head back and screamed. Yixing was on his feet in a flash, trying to block the sounds of pain and agony as he gripped the first year's shoulders. "Junmyeon, it's okay," he soothed, coaxing him down from the frenzy he'd worked himself up to. "What happened?"

"Tao broke up with me," Junmyeon spit out, and Yixing rocked back on his heels, his lower jaw nearly falling off in shock. "Out of the blue. Caught me on the way to Minseok's shop. Said it was better this way." He angrily swiped a hand across his face. "I should have known better. University isn't a dating app. Of course no one loves me enough to stay."

"Oh Junnie, I'm so sorry," Yixing said, silently fuming as well. Tao fought tooth and nail for him and then did this to him? "Wanna talk about it?" Yixing asked, leading Junmyeon inside his own room. But Junmyeon didn't seem so easily consoled, picking a shirt up off the floor, balling it in his hands, and hurling it against the wall opposite himself. Yixing watched on, feeling his heart twist at the sight of this Junmyeon. Of a broken Junmyeon. Off the first year went, picking random things up off the floor and throwing them about the room. Yixing perched on the bed, tensely watching the action happening before him.

"I thought he loved me," Junmyeon cried, standing between his and Luhan's beds, head tilted back to stare at the ceiling. Tears streamed freely down his cheeks, and all Yixing wanted to do in this very moment was wrap him up and hug his hurt away. "I thought he loved me Xing. He said he did. What did I do?" Junmyeon finally turned a distraught look Yixing's way. "Was I not good enough?"

"Oh Junmyeon, no," Yixing assured. "You're perfect. Tao is just dumb." Junmyeon, despite himself, felt his cheeks flaming red. "I don't get it," Yixing continued, patting the spot beside him on the bed. Junmyeon nestled in beside him, resting his head on his shoulder and closing his eyes. "Tao was so devoted to you it was comical. I don't..." But then Tao's words slammed into Yixing from the other night.

Give this to him when you think the time is right, okay? And take good care of him. He trusts you so much. And he loves you.

"Oh." Yixing glanced down, studying the top of Junmyeon's head. Tao broke up with Junmyeon...because of him. Because of the both of them. Yixing felt equal parts relieved and guilty. He hadn't meant for this to happen. He thought he could keep his one sided love exactly that: one sided. "I'm really sorry Jun. I bet it sucks."

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