I couldn’t help but feel that before the night was over, I was going to find out.

He cleared his throat as he tried to regain his composure, “I’m unsure by what you mean, my family is right here,” he said.

Bey didn’t respond, she just gave a thoughtful nod, smiling curtly at him before walking over to my father, happily walking into his outstretched arms, “Bishop, it’s so good to see you again,” she said as they embraced.

My dad chuckled bashfully, “Beyoncé, I’m so glad you could join us, your presence is always welcomed here, and may I say you look marvelous,” he complimented her. She thanked him, returning the complement as she walked over to the seat next to him and beside me and sat down, slyly resting her hand on my thigh, squeezing it gently.

My dad cleared his throat, “Alright, now that we’re all here, I first want to say that I’m glad to be here with you all another year, and despite a few circumstances with some of us,” he said looking between me and Chad, and Bey rubbed my leg in response, “That doesn’t change that when all is said and done, we are still a family, and like all families, we may fuss and fight, but with time and patience, communication and understanding, we can still come together, and still find unity in our division. Furthermore, we thank God for the new relationships that come to us,” he said smiling as he looked at Bey, “that gives us fresh perspective, with fresh smiles. Back home at the church we have a saying, come in a stranger, leave as family, and Bey we are more than happy to welcome you in as a part of the Williams family,” he said making me and Bey smile with joy, since we both knew this was the closest she was going to get at being accepted as family. I just prayed that when they found out about us, he would feel the same way. I tried to keep a straight face and mask my annoyance when I heard my mother scoff under her breath.

My father gave a few more words and finished his speech by rubbing his hands together in anticipation, “That being said, let us pray and give thanks, because we have some good food, and some good meat, so good God let’s eat!”


We were all eating and talking amongst each other in our own separate conversations, Bey and I talking, Chad and my dad, my mom and Chunks, and Emmitt and Mel, but I couldn’t help but to notice there was a bit of tension coming from the both of them, and their conversation seemed strained. Hmm, trouble in paradise? I thought to myself as I took a bite of my food as Bey continued to tell me what happened earlier with her brother. I could tell she was really bothered and annoyed about it, so I made a mental note for us to sit and talk about it later once we were alone.

“You know you’re going to have to sit down and talk to him right, if he’s so adamant that he’s changed, then maybe you should give him a chance, besides you need that closure so you can move on with your life, and be completely and totally happy,” I said lowly so only she could hear me.

She scrunched her nose cutely as she pouted, “You’re right, but what if he hasn’t really changed and this is all for show and I end up getting hurt again?” she asked in a hushed tone.

“Then he’ll have to answer to me. And if you do get hurt, I’ll be right there to ease the pain,” I said with a sly wink, making Bey giggle as I took a sip of my tea.

My mother glanced over at us, giving us a curt smile, “Michelle dear, Chad was telling me about your center that you’re starting and how a lot of the members have pitched in to help, and I just think it’s absolutely wonderful! A good First Lady should always have her own projects and endeavors going to help make the church even more successful, and that should show you even more that you need to reclaim your place in the church,” she said and I immediately rolled my eyes.

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