"I'm really glad to hear you say that. I have something to show you. It's your surprise that I told you about." 

     "Oh....you aren't my surprise? I just sort of figured that you staying the whole day with me was my surprise. I didn't expect it." 

     "No, this is way better. I promise. Afterwards, I'll take you in and run you a hot bath and cook your favorite foods and give you a foot rub. Whatever you want. Give me ten minutes?" 

     I nodded, and followed after him. He led me down the hallway to the kids' nursery, and opened the door before stepping aside and motioning for me to go in. 

     The room was absolutely beautiful. I loved each single inch of it. Regardless of the fact that it was absolutely adorable, I knew that it wasn't going to work for our babies. It was all pink, and he had only put one crib in here. 

     I turned to him and couldn't help the frown I felt on my face. 

     "It's amazing, Chase...but what about baby A?" 

     "We really need to name them, Ev. We can't keep calling them "the boy and the girl", or "baby A and baby B", you know?"

     I didn't say anything, just stood there with my arms crossed and my eyebrow raised. He took the hint, and shrugged. 

     "Listen, Ev...I went ahead and made the spare room into baby A's bedroom. They shouldn't have to share, it didn't feel right. I was hoping that you would want to be with me before they came, but I was fully prepared to sleep on the couch if I needed to."

     The fact that Chase was willing to live on the couch in order for both of our children to have their own space even though they were going to be too young to appreciate it warmed my heart. 

     "I love it, Chase. Really, I do. I'd like to see the other bedroom, too. Is it done? This one is perfect." 

     "We can go see it, but I was to make a request. When we're relaxing later in bed I'd like to figure out the names. I want to know their names, Ev."

     "It's just really hard to pick a name, Chase. My parents named me Ever. It's such an odd name, and kids made sure that I knew that it was weird. I just want to make sure we do a good job picking."

     "Yeah, I guess names really do matter. Chase is pretty basic, I never got teased. I see where you would be concerned, though." 

     "What do you think about Kennedy? Do you think that's a normal name for a girl?" I rolled my bottom lip around in my teeth while I gave him a chance to think it over. 

     "Kennedy Evans...I love it. That's...it sounds good. Have you been thinking about it for awhile?" 

     "Yes...I just wasn't sure I wanted to say it out loud and see if you approved or not. I'm glad that you do. Do you have any names in mind for baby A? It's only fair that if I chose baby B, you get to name baby A."

     "I really like the name Christian. I've always wanted to name a boy that." He gave me a half smile, and continued. "If you want their names to start with the same letter, though, Kingston is a cute name. It's different."

     Kingston and Kennedy. 

     Christian and Kennedy.

     "I like Christian." I smiled, and tested it out loud. "Christian and Kennedy Evans." 

     "Did we really just name our babies?" 

     "We really did!" 

     Chase picked me up in a hug and spun me around, before putting me down on the ground and giving me a deep kiss that I knew that so much emotion in it. 

     "I'm really glad we named them, sunshine. Let's go see Christian's room. I hope you like it as much as you like Kennedy's." 

     I followed him out and over to the room that I had been thinking of as his for so long already, it was going to be strange thinking of it as Christian's. 

     I felt my jaw drop, and I picked my hands up and gave him an exaggerated slow clap. 

     "This is amazing! How did you get the window changed so fast? I would have noticed it if you did it when I was around."

     "I was here measuring the rooms a few weeks ago, and I realized that I loved the rounded window with the white trim for our little girl. I absolutely hated it in here, though. the wall of window looks so much better with the white theme. Tanner has a friend who does windows, and he asked him to do me a solid. Luckily he did, because it really brightens up the room."

     I looked around and felt like I was going to cry. It was just so sweet and perfect, and I appreciated it so much. 

     "Now, are you ready for that bath?" I turned to face him and gasped. Then, the tears started. "Ever, what's wrong?" 

     I tried to control my crying, but the sobs wouldn't stop. 

     "My water just broke! You're going to have to replace the carpet! I'm such an idiot! I've felt rough all day and like they were going to come soon, and now look! I ruined all of your hard work!"

     Suddenly, his arms were around me and he was holding me tight. It didn't stop me from feeling him chuckle, but at least I didn't have to see it. 

     "I have extra carpeting in the closest, Ever. Let's get you into the car. I'll make some calls on the way. I'll let your dad know you're having the babies and to get to the hospital, and then I'll call Mason and have him meet us there, too. I'll call Tanner and ask him to please fix the carpet, okay?"

     I took a few deep breaths to calm down, and nodded. 

     "I guess I'll be sharing a birthday with our babies." I felt my lip quivering again, and I sniffled. "Unless I'm in labor until tomorrow and they don't actually come today."

     "That won't happy, sweetheart. All of my favorite people are going to end up being born on the same day. It'll be perfect. It's a good thing we named them, huh?" 

     I gave him a nod, and went to go get my hospital bag put together since I hadn't done it yet while Chase got the car seats to put them in the car. I was also trusting him to pack the outfits they would be wearing at the hospital and home from the hospital. 

     It was time to put my big girl pants on and have my babies.

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