1. Vacation!

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Friday, June 11. 13:00


Aizawa's class didn't know this yet, but they were in for a treat. With all the villain activity going on, the school had decided that the students deserved a vacation to the happiest place on Earth, DisneyWorld! In order to avoid conflict, the classes were to go at different times; 1-A was going to be on their way on Monday. For Aizawa, this meant quite a bit of work for him between telling the class, and the day they would depart. Instead of worrying too much about it, he called his best friend, Hizashi Yamada and asked for him to help out with making the roommate list. Funny enough, just like a normal High School, the teachers at U.A had their ideas on who liked who, or who would make a good couple. So, for Hizashi and Aizawa, making the list of roommates was more of just pairing up the couples they wanted to get together, or those they knew to at least be good friends. 

They kept going through different match ups, and combos until they had come up with a list that they were both happy with and excited about.  At that time, Aizawa gathered up his students in the lounge area of the dorm and made the announcement.

"Okay everybody, the school has decided that for some reason you all deserve a small vacation." He was monotone as usual, but the class was starting to get revved up. "Please don't freak out, but the place we are going is DisneyWorld." The class did exactly the opposite of what their teacher said, and went berserk. Aizawa had always been very introverted, so he found all the noise very overwhelming. However, he found Hizashi putting an arm around him in an attempt to help him relax and it did. The exhausted teacher took a breath before silencing the room.

"LISTEN. Okay, there was a limited amount of rooms available, 10 to be precise. So, you will have one roommate for the week; you don't get to pick them. Mic here, and I chose them based off who we though you would enjoy the trip with. I will post the list on the front of my office door at 14:00, so please check then and talk to your roommate about being generally prepared. We will be leaving on Monday, and your parents have been notified. Imma sleep now so don't bug me anymore." He slunk off, followed by his blonde partner, to his room. 


WE'RE GOING TO DISNEYWORLD. I didn't think I'd ever be able to go there!! I gotta find Uraraka and Iida and see what they're most looking forward to. He started to head over to where Uraraka was jumping up and down, and he joined her in excitement. 

"DEKU!! Can you believe it!? We're going to Disney!! I can't wait to meet all the characters!!" In her excitement, she got right up in Deku's face, nearly touching it with her own; Deku turned pink in response before backing away. 

"Haha, Yea!! I can't wait to eat the food, and go on the amazing rides!" He was ginning wildly.  "I wonder who are roommates are gonna be..?" He had calmed down a bit at the thought, but Uraraka got him excited again by replying with,

"Maybe you and Iida, or you and I will get to be together! Maybe even you and Todoroki! Aizawa-Sensei said that he and Present Mic-Sensei chose them based off who they thought we would enjoy right? Don't look so worried!" He nodded and they went off to find Todoroki and Iida to see what they were up to. 

Friday, June 11. 14:00

Students were rushing to Aizawa's door, seeing a piece of paper had been tapped to the front of it. 

"EVERYONE CALM DOWN, I WILL READ ALOUD THE PAIRINGS SO WE DON'T KILL EACH OTHER TRYING TO SEE." Iida yelled, taking control of the situation as best he could. Luckily, everyone agreed with him knowing a certain person would make things chaotic if it got too heated. They relaxed and waited to hear their names be called. 

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