Tanizaki couldn't thank him enough. He wasn't like Akutagawa, he couldn't bear exhaustion for that long, he spoke like he was about to pass out.

Atsushi googled if there's any rooms to rent for the day, and luckily found a shady place with low price, the village was tiny after all.

Akutagawa and Tanizaki parked their cars in a small parking lot, in front of a 2 store building, with a sign ,,cheap rooms". they certainly didn't put much into advertising.

For their own safety, both Akutagawa and Atsushi silently decided not to wake Chuuya or Dazai yet, so they quietly left them in the car.

- are you open?- Atsushi opened the front doors and peaked inside.

- huh?- oh, yeah,- a woman behind a counter replied.

The three men walked in a tiny room. it was all made of light wood and the only obstacles in there were the doors, the counter and stairs up.

- you want something?- the woman asked, pulling out a cigarette.

- uh,- Atsushi mumbled when Akutagawa forcefully pushed him in front of them to speak.- yeah, we need a room for uh, till tomorrow morning.

- how many beds?- the woman wrote something down in a notebook.

- uhh,- Atsushi didn't know whether to say 2 or 5.

- five. five beds,- Akutagawa helped him out.

- that will be 75$ till tomorrow 9am.

- uh, Aku-...

- move, idiot,- Akutagawa pushed Atsushi away and payed for the rooms himself.

- you don't even know how to book a fucking room,- Akutagawa mumbled while going up the stairs, with room keys jiggling in his hands.

they all went to a room #4 and #5, the last ones down the narrow corridor.

The rooms weren't that bad, well, they didn't have a choice but to stay here. in the #4 room there was 3 beds along the wall, a small bathroom and an empty wardrobe. In the corner stood a small table and a couple cups and some tea, that was it.

- guys, can you fix everything, I'm just really tired...- Tanizaki groaned and fell right on the closest bed.

- Atsushi, you do shit,- Akutagawa demanded and went to the furthest bed, leaving the middle one empty.

- wait, why me? - Atsushi tried to resist.

- because we're sleeping,- Aku just went under the covers with all his clothes, just without the shoes.

- you... you sleep with your cape?- Atsushi awkwardly stood in the middle of the room.

- don't bother me, weretiger.

Atsushi quietly nodded and closed the door, leaving the two men sleeping.
,,uh, right, what now?... " Atsushi thought, but the immediately froze on spot.
,, Dazai!" Atsushi went down and stopped before opening the car doors.
Akutagawa left the car unlocked, since there was no-one around and they left people inside, however Atsushi wished he wasn't the one to wake them.

,,it's fine, they just fell asleep..." He tried to calm himself and opened the doors only with his fingertips, so he wouldn't be loud.

Then Atsushi realised another problem. He was at Chuuya's side, so he couldn't wake Dazai first. His primary plan was to carefully wake Dazai and then ask him what to do with Chuuya, but he couldn't wake Dazai if he didn't want to get in the car.

,,Do I wake Chuuya, or I step inside the car and wake Dazai, but be within their punch reach?"

,, No, it's better to wake Chuuya and then jump back as far as possible."

with that, his decision was made. He didn't know Chuuya that much, but he always seemed angry, even though he often looked quite funny, shouting at Dazai with their height difference.

Well, from Atsushi's point of view, anyone who shouted and was from the port mafia, was scary.

So, he tiptoed as near as he can and poked Chuuya's choulder.

Nothing happened.

He went closer again and poked harder. Chuuya moved a bit.

Atushi's eyes widened and he jumped back as far as he could without the weretiger abilities.

- huh?- he heard Chuuya groan, waking up.

- AAAH!- scream, punch.

-AAAH!- another scream, punch, punch, punch, punch, slap, punch punch, scream.

At this point Atsushi covered his ears and stepped back even further. He was behind the car, so he couldn't see what was happening inside, however it was still quite clear.

After a loud bang, Dazai stepped out of the car.

- uh, Dazai?- Atsushi called.

the brunette looked over to Atsushi, but fell on the ground before saying anything.

- Dazai!- Atsushi ran over to him, forgetting about Chuuya.

Dazai layed there, face down and didn't move, meanwhile Chuuya stepped out completely fine, without a scratch.

- uh, Dazai, are you alright?- Atsushi tried to wake him up, again.

- he's alive,- Chuuya looked down on them.- well, probably.

- probably?!,- Atsushi shouted anxiously.

- tch, it's not the first time,- Chuuya rolled his eyes and went inside the building, somehow already knowing where to go.

,, not the first time?! how many times have they killed each other?! "

Eventually, Atsushi gave up on trying to wake Dazai, however his pulse was here, so it was fine for now.

Nobody showed up to help Atsushi, he tried to take Dazai up the stairs himself.

Thankfully, the woman behind the counter was gone, so nobody saw Atsushi's not so safe way of dragging Dazai up.

Since Atsushi couldn't lift Dazai, he just grabbed both of his arms and dragged him up the stairs, hitting every single corner with brunette's head.
,, sorry, Dazai"

Atsushi carefully sat Dazai down, leaning him against the wall and opened the door to #4 room. Akutagawa, Tanizaki were still here, sleeping and the middle bed was still empty, so Chuuya was in #5 room.

,, thank godness, I won't face him"
Atsushi sighed, relieved.
He dragged Dazai up to the middle bed and tried to place him as comfortably as he could.

However, he didn't realise a big mistake. Now, there was only one bed left to sleep in, and that was in Chuuya's room.

That redhead! [soukoku]  [complete] Where stories live. Discover now