A Chance

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It was a busy sight at Air Temple Island. Short bursts of high speed wind travelled in every direction as the airbenders were training. Tenzin's kid, Meelo was instructing them to go through an obstacle course to increase their level of stability and stamina. If there was one thing Meelo was good at, it was ordering people around. Tenzin knew his son's ability to train others so it became no surprise to him that Meelo volunteered to help.

Korra was watching the airbenders go through with their vigorous training. It reminded her of her first time trying to learn airbending. Those were more simple times. She turned around to see Asami was still sleeping. She didn't get much sleep last night due to Korra's episode. Korra felt terrible so she let Asami sleep in a little. She got away from the window and headed towards the bathroom to freshen up with her wheelchair. Korra didn't like using a wheelchair to get around but she had no other choice.

Once she got out, she saw Asami was awake, looking at the view out the window. Her dark waivy hair let down covering her shoulders. As she was admiring the irresistible scenery, she heard a distant voice from the entrance of the room. "Beautiful isn't it?" Korra asked. Asami turned around and saw the Avatar. She couldn't hold back a smile. "It really is. It just seems so peaceful here." Asami replied. "Hey, mind helping me with these?" Korra pulled out a light blue water tribe outfit from the closet giving it to Asami. It ached her heart everytime knowing she couldn't even dress by herself. But Asami was more than happy to comply. She took the dress and unfolded it whilst draping it on Korra. She knew her friend was shy since she was so independent since young. The thought of having someone else dress her would make her feel embarrassed but Asami tried her best to lighten the mood.

"You know, apart from these sceneries, there's another thing here that's beautiful."

"What is that?"

"You, Korra"

Korra looked down knowing she was blushing hearing those words from her best friend. It brought butterflies in her stomach. Asami was worried that Korra didn't like hearing that since she was looking down with no response.

"Hey, what's going on?" Asami had to ask.

Korra finally managed to look up at her. "It's nothing. You're very beautiful too."

Asami squirmed at Korra. There was a small patch of blush forming on her cheeks but she didn't take any effort in hiding it. "You're such a tease." Asami commented. Korra couldn't help but laugh at that remark.

"Well I should go and freshen up before breakfast. I'll see you there?"

"Yeah of course!" An immediate response from Korra. If there was one thing she enjoyed more than bending, it was eating.

Later at breakfast

"Good morning Asami."

"Morning Pema. What's that smell? I hope it's pancakes." Asami loved Pema's cinnamon crusted pancakes with honey. It was her favourite.

"Yes, my dear. Only the best for you." Pema smirked.

Asami had a laugh of joy and moved from the kitchen to the breakfast table. There, she saw Tenzin, Jinora, Ikki, Meelo and Korra chatting away. She couldn't help but smile at the scene of Korra laughing out loud since it became a rare occasion for her to be happy nowadays.

"Morning everyone."

"Morning Asami." All three kids said in unison while laughing at each other.

'Hello Asami. Come and join us." Tenzin invited Asami over to the table.

She sat next to Korra who had been eyeing her for the past minute or so.

"Hey, took you long enough." Korra said sarcastically. Unlike herself, Asami was a bit of a beauty freak. She has her own skin care routine. She even has a ton of makeup ready at her disposal whenever she felt the need to use it.

"Yeah, I was busy applying moisturizer on my face." Asami replied.

"Yeah I thought as much." Korra left a smile.

"Breakfast is ready!" Pema came from the kitchen with a tray full of pancakes and honey.

"Finally!" Meelo let out a statement because he had been so hungry.

"Well, let's dig in." Pema said while taking a seat.

After taking a few bites, Korra had to say something. "This is delicious Pema." She said while looking at her. "Now I know why Asami never stops rambling about your pancakes." Laughing at Asami.

Asami laughed it off. "Well you're one to say, Ms. Dumplings."

"Hey, I love those dumplings." Korra replied . The whole room fell in laughter at the scene.

In the evening

"Hey, I'm bac-." Asami walked into her room noticing it was empty. There was no sight of Korra except for her bags and Korra's wheelchair. Asami grew curious for a moment because she knew Korra couldn't go anywhere on foot. In the near distance, she could hear a women's voice from the bathroom. She immediately felt a sting going through her heart as she heard "Asami, is that you?" but in a very weakened manner. She was dumbstruck when she saw Korra on the bathroom floor. Without any hesitation, she brought Korra's wheelchair closer to the bathroom door and picked her up. "What happened Korra? Why were you in the bathroom without your wheelchair?" Asami began interrogating. "I- I tried doing things without the need of the wheelchair. I mean, it's not like I lost my legs. They're just not fully functioning right now." Korra replied although being somewhat hesitant.

"Korra! You know that's dangerous. I know that you've been slowly gaining control but that doesn't mean you try to run a 100 meter marathon. You know better than that. What if something had happened to you. I would not be able to forgive myself if spirits forbid something happened to you." Asami snapped. She could not lose another person in her life after her parents especially if that person was her best friend.

"Asami... I'm sorry. I truly am. I always act before thinking about the repercussions of my actions towards others. I just wished there was a way I could feel like myself again." Korra looked down knowing she really scared Asami.

"Hey... come here." Asami pulled Korra in for a hug.

Korra laid her head on Asami's shoulder. She could get the intoxicating smell of lavender perfume from Asami's body. She didn't know exactly why, but at that moment, Korra went into a state of euphoria. All her negative thoughts were just flushed away from her mind at that moment. All she had was happiness.

Pulling away, Asami had a proposition for Korra. "How about this...what if we went away for a while? Somewhere where we both could get our minds out of Republic City. How about Zaofu? Our friends are all there and they're dying to see you again."

"Well...I guess I could use a vacation." Korra replied with a smile which filled Asami's heart with content.

"We'll leave in two days."

Korra nodded in acceptance. They were both thrilled about the chance to leave a place full of bad memories .

Little did they know that this vacation will be life changing for the both of them.

Hey everyone, if you like how it's going so far,I would appreciate it if you could vote or interact with the story. Stay tuned for more. And make sure to drink water 😤

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