I changed into a grey long-sleeved shirt and put on pajama bottoms. I left my room and walked down the steps. I could hear their voices coming from the lounge so I kept my steps light. I didn't want to draw attention to myself.

I walked into the kitchen and the light was off. I turned the light on and moved to the sink. I was starving, but I was also thirsty. My throat felt dry. I got a glass from the cupboard and went to the tap filling the glass to the brim with water. The dryness soon subsided when the water reached the back of my throat.

I rinsed the glass and left it upside down on the sink and when I turned I was startled to see a fiery pair of green eyes that watched me from the archway. Luca leaned against the archway with his arms folded and ankles crossed.

He was dressed in full black. Black hoodie, black track pants, and black Nike high tops. He looked extremely intimidating. As if I was staring at the face of the devil. So beautiful yet so terrifying.

He didn't look angry nor did he look happy. He looked something in between. He had a tempestuous emotion covering his facial features and it terrified me to not know who I'd be contending with this evening. Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde.

I turned back to the sink and reached for my glass again for more water as a means or an excuse to avoid his scorching gaze. My temperature picked up and I wasn't feeling cold anymore as sweat started to threaten to break free from my skin.

I filled the glass again and drank it in one go. "So this is new for us no hello and no goodbye." His words were filled with humor concealing his true feelings about the situation.

This situation with him was new and I didn't know how to handle this side of him. "What are you doing here?" I asked softly still not turning around to look at him but focusing intently on the water droplets on the glass.

"Me?" He sounded amused. "Well I'm currently having a very awkward conversation," he stated.

I mustered the courage from deep within myself letting out a breath to face him. I felt like apologizing as soon as I met his eyes. I felt every piece of myself crumble. "You know what I mean." My voice was louder this time and more clearer. "What are you doing here in Pasadena?"

He smiled, which then turned into a low rumble of laughter. He shook his head and looked away from me for a moment as he put his hands together.

He stood up straight and began walking into the kitchen. His walk was slow it was like a cat that stalked slowly before it pounced.  He stopped at the counter and leaned forward. The counter the only obstacle between us. "I'm simply hunting a coward." He smiled. 

My body stilled as I glared at him for calling me a coward he had no right. He didn't know half of the things that were swimming through my head. "Are you calling me a coward?" The anger in my voice was as clear as day.

"If the crown fits princess," he dragged out his words in a sound of tiredness as if he was bored with the conversation.

My jaw clenched. "You don't know a thing-" before I could complete my sentence he interrupted me.

"I know enough." He stood up straight his carefree nature and smile on his face being replaced. A thin line took over his lips and this time his eyes darkened. "I know you run whenever you put into a situation you can't handle instead of talking it through."

I twitched, his words stung because they were the truth that I hated to admit. I do run when there's a situation I can't handle. I count and when the counting doesn't calm me down I leave because I need a minute to think. He witnessed me do it before with Tyler. "There's nothing left to say," I told him. I was stubborn I wasn't going to let him get away with talking to me like that nonetheless.

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