Hello Darklings

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Hello Darklings:

Welcome to Creature Feature, your Vampire Source Book.

We would like for this to be more than just an alphabetized entry on vampires. We'd really like you to stay around and make this work yours. After all, we have a common love. What do you say?

This is a book of little somethings to discover, or actually, rediscover. The vampires you'll find in these pages have been living in folklore for millennia. Be it in origin stories birthed in India, to the native cultures of the Americas. They span the globe and have been waiting to be part of your stories.

These are malleable, enduring creatures that will take the shape you craft for them and absorb powers you'll create to fit their needs, and yours by just putting word to paper.

There are no rules when it comes to vampires, other than the writer's compromise to deal with creatures that have been haunting our imagination since the beginning of time.

A good vampire novel must make us think about stuff that our eyes might take for granted. You know, pay a little more attention to that lady or gentleman whose features we found striking in the first or second chapter. Yes, that one; he or she who left us with a sense of fascination and a bit of a chill down our spine. It might also lead us to the trap of the soulless monster that, without a care for human guise, attacked us somewhere between page 110 and 115 and leave us nightmarish sequels. Last but not least, if the novel really crosses that line, then it might give us food for thought, scaring -and scarring- in the most subtle ways. There are vampire novels in which we discover a little of ourselves when forced to look in the mirror.

All of these are waiting to be written. All of them need characters. We might help with that.

We'll start at the heart of Greece... what about Lamiae? Sounds fun? Then they'll be waiting for you at the turn of the page.

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