"R-Ruby! Be more careful, young lady!" Her mother pleaded.

"Mom, I'm fine. I just tripped! And Goldeye's fine too." Ruby smiled. She opened the front door and went outside. Mona frowned in disbelief and went to go get another cup of coffee.

Meanwhile Ruby walked down the snowy steps and saw a pile of snow nearby the park where the other kids were. Ruby thought to herself of how she will introduce herself to the other kids. Although Ruby was conscious of how her Japanese would sound, back in America making friend was easy as pie in fact Ruby had more friends than enemies. Ruby took a deep breath and walked to where the park was.

Cold wind brushes past the air and many children were running around. Some were on the swings, one of them was trying to pull another child with their frozen hands. However the majority of kids were having snowball fights and making snowmen. Ruby arrived at the park and saw the fun.

"Ok everyone prepare yourselves! For the heroic Ruby and Goldeye are joining the fight!" Ruby grinned to herself and plotted how she was going to enter.

A group of kids were throwing snowballs at each other, the leader who was wearing a black scarf was carrying his team despite his play being too rough for the other kids. While he was making an interesting streak, Ruby had lots of snowballs in her hands and threw them at the leader's them and then at himself.

"Hey! Who was that?!" The leader groaned.

"The wonder herself has appeared!" Ruby lifted her finger in the air. "And that name is... Goldeye and his nifty partner Pretty Punch!" Ruby thrusted her fists and moved Goldeye's arms to make it look he was real.

The kids stared at Ruby blankly for a few moments. Then they all bursted into laughter, Ruby blinked and got confused.

"Haha! Nice joke! Pretty Punch? Where did you get that from?" The leader chuckled.

"HEY! I'm Pretty Punch, ok!? I'm supposed to be the mighty hero here! D-Don't just laugh at me...!" Ruby pouted.

"Oh! You mean Goldeye? That TV Show?" One boy with a blue hat chirped.

"Come on, no one watches that version anymore." A pigtail-haired girl giggled.

"Version? What are you talking about?"

"I mean Goldeye X! The new one! Unless you've been living in a rock this time." The leader rolled his eyes. Then he was followed by another trail of laughter. 

Fuming with embarrassment, Ruby clenched her fists and walked up to the leader.

"Ugh, that show. All that show ever does is teaching kids new dance moves and annoying hip cool phrases! That's nothing like what Goldeye does! He says everyone must always fight for their wond-"

"Oh please! That phrase was getting stale! Fight for your wonder? In 20XX?!" The leader scoffed. "Look American girl, Goldeye X is the new craze so why don't you accept it? Besides your Japanese sucks!"

Ruby glanced at the leader in shock, this is not how she wanted it to be. She wanted to play with the other kids, she wanted to be like Goldeye. Now she's getting pushed back for not being in a new trend and she got insulted by her accent. Ruby narrowed her eyes and proceeded to grab a snowball.

"Whatcha going to do now, huh? Going to play Classic Goldeye-" Before the leader finished his sentence, Ruby slammed the snowball his face causing attention to the other kids as they gasped. Once she slammed the snowball into his face, she finished it off with a punch.

"O-Ow! What the heck is wrong with you?!" The leader cried with slight tears while holding his tomato red cheek.

"What's wrong with YOU and this stupid new trend?! Goldeye stays as Goldeye! And also..." Ruby pulled the leader by the collar. "DON'T pick on my Japanese, I'm a beginnar." Ruby scoffed as she threw him to the ground and left. The other kids stared at Ruby in horror, then they all scattered leaving the leader behind.

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