Brawns! Strength! Cure Punch has Arrived!

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Ruby's POV
It was a day of maple leaves. I don't know why but in Japan, where I moved to, everywhere feels like a beauty to see. If it weren't for the trouble that came with it.

But first of let me introduce a few things or more, my name is Ruby Rosehamme. Weird name, huh? That's because I had moved here from America. It originally supposed to be for my mom's research but it became an official holiday and now I get to live here. Simple as that, but according to my dad and mom... I've changed the past few years.

I've stopped carrying around my Goldeye action figure because it makes me look childish, but I still like to watch Goldeye whenever no one sees me. Next, I got into a lot of fights during school recently. My father thinks I should really let out my fumes more but my mom hates that. She's starting to think I'm becoming to rough and unlady-like. Not to mention my voice has gotten deeper? Forget that.

Anyway it's Autmun and I was preparing to get my stuff ready for my second year of school. Oh when I meant school, I mean my third different school. I had to leave my first school during my first year because we moved from America to Japan permanently. Then in my second school, I got "expelled" for throwing hot food at a girl's face. But she totally deserved that. Personally, I didn't give any craps about it because everytime I move to Japan, I always get the stickend of everyone. Basically treated like trash.

But I tried to forget about that as I ate my eggs and toast with my dad and it was just silence until my mom entered and started the conversation.

"So Ruby..." My mom looked at the way my uniform was.

"Mom. If it's about my uniform, I'll fix it once I get to school." I sighed.

"No. I wasn't going to say that..." Ha, yeah right. "Honey. This is a new school year for you, right?" My mom turned to my dad who was reading the newspaper. She impatiently waited for him to response and then a thumbs up shot up. I giggled but my mom thought otherwise.

"Uh huh. In a nutshell Ruby, please don't get into any more fights." My mom sipped on her coffee. "You're a wonderful girl and you're already excelling in your sports! And your grades are pretty good. But the only problem is your aggressiveness..."

"My problem at that school is the fact that everytime I move to Japan, crap occurs next!" I groaned.

"T-That's not true!" My mom patted on my dad's shoulders, grabbing his attention.

"Seriously, none in this crummy world wants to be friends with a girl who likes to punch things! Maybe if you would stop looking in my opponents shoes', you can agree with me!"

"Ruby, I'm not trying to start that conversation again. Just let me la-"

"No! All you ever do is try to make me look like a typical posh brat! That isn't me!" I raised my voice.

"Ruby! For the sake of- That's the problem! You're too hot-headed for your own good!" My mom hit her hand on the table. "Though that's probably from your father!" She eyed at my dad who lifted his face up from the newspaper.

"Okay now that's true." I nodded. "Um yeah I better go to whatever mess of a school you sent me to now." I grabbed my bag and walked towards the door. "Bye Dad! Bye Mom." I slammed the door shut so they could hear me.

"Bye Ruby!" My dad waved back.

"Ugh, teenagers." My mom sighed and sipped more coffee.

I don't know what their faces looked like but my mom was probably mad at me or something. To be honest I had an idea of where the school was. All I need to do is getting on the bus to at least 6 stops and I'm there. But now my stomach was filled with butterflies, what will I do at my new school. Am I actually going to redeem myself or is my academic year report mainly consisting of punches, kicks and brutal fights?

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