"You what?!" She exclaimed half prepared to rush down to them to save Yui.

"Don't bother trying to stop them, he won't kill her. He's a little more focused on other things right now. Anyway, you should be getting to your room. Do you not have work to be doing right now?"

"But... But..." She groaned, "Fine. I'll leave them alone, but I don't wanna go back to my room right now," She pouted despite knowing his eyes were closed.

He sighed, clearly hearing the pout in her words, then appeared behind her, wrapping his arms around her and carrying her to the tree where he dropped to the floor, cuddling her all the way.

"Is this better?" He drawled.

She smiled slightly, nuzzling her cheek against his chest.

"Much better," She mumbled.

"Good, you can only stay for a little while because you have to work. But you can still stay so quit complaining," He huffed, end of conversation.

She huffed back at him, a sound which was ignored but still made her feel better. She didn't want to go back inside. Inside the house had the risk of running into Subaru and she didn't want to do that because he was still mad at her. Why else would he have ignored her in the car? So she had to stay out of his way until he wasn't mad at her anymore because otherwise, he'd just get madder at her. She didn't want that. He'd never been mad at her before, not really. Maybe he'd gotten a little bit annoyed sometimes but he'd never yelled at her like that...

She clung to Shu a little tighter, suddenly craving his warmth. Not that he was actually warm considering he was a vampire, neither of them were actually warm, but it was the thought that counted.

He didn't comment on it, though he did tighten his grip on her just a little bit. She didn't need to ask to know that he likely understood what she was thinking about. Though he rarely showed it anymore, Shu usually did understand quite a lot. And he definitely cared about Rini a lot. They all did, even if sometimes they didn't show it...

A few minutes passed in silence before Shu spoke again.

"Alright that's enough of that, you need to get on with your work," He drawled, gently shoving her away.

She whined, trying to pull back into his arms.

"I don't wanna go..." She whimpered, gripping his arms.

He peered down at her, examining her teary eyes and flushed cheeks, and sighed.

"I can walk you to your room if you're that miserable..." He grumbled.

She frowned. On the one hand that'd be great because she'd have company and maybe get more cuddles which was always a good thing. On the other hand that'd be bad because what if they ran into Subaru and he got upset because she always walked around the house with him and now that he's mad at her she's walking with someone else? She didn't want him to be sad.

"I'd hate to interrupt your nap..." She murmured, hoping he'd take the hint.

He simply nodded, lowering his arms so she could get up. She stood but quickly knelt back down to give him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving.

Thankfully she made it to her room with no incidents, though that was mainly because she'd teleported from alcove to alcove in the house, hiding in the shadows whenever she heard a noise.

She slumped down at her desk, cringing at the work that she'd haplessly strewn across it. That was a really stupid idea, even if it was only a few sheets she should keep them organized so it was less of a hassle to do them. 

Diabolik Lovers: The Girl Behind the PetalsWhere stories live. Discover now