Episode 10: Vengeance

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*King Dedede is sleeping in bed, until Sir Ebrum wakes him up in frustration*

Sir Ebrum: Your majesty! WAKE UP!
Dedede: What?! What is it, what do you want?!
Sir Ebrum: You're in trouble now! You destroy my statue!
Dedede: WHAT?! You found out?!
Sir Ebrum: Of course I have!
Lady Like: What has gone into you, your highness?!
Dedede: Nothing!
Lady Like: Well, suit yourself

Dedede: Anyway, me and my wife rebuild my statue, and you won't be having any fun today!
Dedede: Whatever

*Dedede sits on his throne chair, until Luz and Amity comes over, including Eda*

Kirby: Oh hey Luz, Amity, huh? Eda too?
Eda: Hello Kirby, I heard about Dedede's incident?

Dedede: Umm...Yes, remember when I broke Sir Ebrum's statue (Shows the rebuilt statue)

Anne: Huh? You rebuild it?
Sprig: You rebuilt it?
Dedede: Yes, we rebuilt it. Anyway, when I broke it. Sir Ebrum and Lady Like are angry at me.

Luz: Why?
Dedede: Because they can't stand me anymore...thinking that I'm going out of my mind

Eda: It looks like you need a therapy! And that'll be me!
Dedede: You gray hair woman?!
Eda: Of course. (Cast a spell to make Dedede fall asleep) Now, let's get on it

*Eda drags Dedede to a podium*

Dedede: (Wakes up) Huh? What happen?!

Eda: I'll have you to read this poem (Scrolls down to reveal a really tall poem)

Dedede: I have to read all of this?!
Eda: Yep. Go ahead I'll be waiting (Sits in a chair)

Dedede: (reading) "I once have-

Eda: Uh-uh! More manly!
Dedede: Ugh! (Speaks more manly) "I once have"

*Cuts to where Dedede finishes the poem*

Dedede: Okay, done! Is that it?!
Eda: Nope. You have to read it five more times

Dedede: WHAT?!
Eda: Read it, five more times.

Luz: You have to do a total of six times for Eda

Dedede: GRR! (Reads the poem again)


Dedede: (Finishing the poem) Phew. All done (Collaspes in exhaustion) Is that it for now?!
Eda: Not yet, we still have a bit more things to do, for your punishment

Dedede: My punishment?
Eda: Exactly

*First, Luz, Kirby, and Dedede are playing star checkers. Kirby moves his red star one space forward. Luz moves her blue star two spaces forward. Dedede moves his yellow star five spaces vertically*

Dedede: Check me

Luz: Dedede, you can't do that

Dedede: Why not?
Luz: That's not how star checkers work

Dedede: Yes it does

Luz: Dedede, do you really think you can move your yellow star five spaces vertically?
Dedede: Umm...yes

Luz: No Dedede, you can't do that

Dedede: Dang it...

*Luz finishes the game by moving her green star forward, knocking out Dedede's star pieces*

Dedede: What?!
Luz: Check me Dedede, whoo! I won!
Kirby: Good game Dedede

Dedede: Whatever...

*Later on, Dedede did more punishments, such as carrying a couch up and down the hill, climbing the world's tallest tree, and catch fish with his hands. In the evening*

Dedede: Ahh! (Collaspes to the ground)

Amity: How does that teach you now?
Dedede: Good

Amity: Promise you won't do anything stupid again?
Dedede: Okay, okay. I'll be good for now, I won't break anything and I won't do anything dumb. I promise, I promise

Amity: Okay good

Eda: Well, that settles to the end of the therapy. Come along Luz (Walks to the portal)

Luz and Amity: See ya (Walks to the portal)

Kirby: Bye Luz, bye Amity

*King Dedede and Kirby walk back to the castle*


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