xi. thus it traveled like ripples

Start from the beginning

Now Nana was offended.

I painted that void-like expression on my visage. "Oh, right . . . Thanks for reminding me. Neh, Yoomi-kun, do you know why I chose to learn judo?"

"No." He was quick to reply, matching my intense gaze. "Why?"

"It's because . . ." I tilted my head on my right, my hair followed and covered the lower half of my face, creating more of that sinister distinction. ". . . I love choking someone to death." ♡

He flinched, though minimal. But Kiyoomi didn't let himself be left up as he stared at me with those equally paired, narrowed eyes, and his raven curls decorating his scrunched up pretty face.

"That's harassment, a threat," he spoke darkly. "I can get you reported."

It was an arrow shot on my head, got me stupefied where I stood. 

"How dare you." I spouted and a vein of irritation popped on my cheek.

He only shrugged it off and wore his mouth mask. "I'll be going." Kiyoomi then picked his bag up, trudging towards the front door.

Geh. Smart-ass.

"Really. How dare you," I said full accusations.

He just left with a tiny smirk shown through his eyes.

He had that audacity to get me reported, for he knew his rights well. I felt soooooo offended! I had already given him so much help, but this was how he'd repay me? WHAT AN UNGRATEFUL BASTARD!

Calm, kokoro-san, calm.

Kiyoomi always had the upper-hand, and it was degrading my pride.

It shouldn't be like this.

I couldn't let Omi took advantage of my kindness to that extent.

Then, it couldn't be helped.

It had been four days since he moved into my place. We should grateful that he had reached this point without getting noticed by the school. We agreed that not a soul coming from that place should know, never wanted to stir false rumors about us. Kiyoomi was being careful as well.

He was always going to school at 6:30 AM with his bike; their morning practice would start at seven. And he was a wuss, anxious enough to go out without my notice. Thus he would call me.

And oh, he's calling me right now.

As a vigilant person, contacting me while arriving at school was his protective measures. So that if he got attacked by the stalker, either I could rescue him or call for help.

Of course, I was always a good person, I answered his call. But this bastard had me reached that boiling point.

"Hello, Kiyoomi Sakusa-san~!" I answered brightly but sardonically. "You done insulting me? I hate you, you know? And don't you ever talk to me again, because I hate you with a smiling face. And you should expect that you'll see your things in the trash bin. Good fucking sayonara, asshole!"

Then I shut the call up! Like I would let him speak his side.

I took deep breaths, wheezing loudly. Deep breaths. That jerk-face got the nerves!

While throwing a mental tantrum, my phone rang.

Ha ha. He really got that courage to call me again. But I only pressed the red button.

And again.

Bold of him to assume that I'd answer.

Tapped the 'end call' button.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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