"Im sorry tess I didnt think you would care." He thinks I wouldnt care. Who in there right minds wouldn't care about something like this.

"Yoh thought I wouldnt care about the possibility of me getting pregnant with our child?"

"No of course I know you care I just-"

"You just what." I cut him off.

"Even if you were to get pregnant it would be a blessing, isnt that what we want anyways."

"No! ....Not now! Not so soon after the miscarriage and after I got raped or do you think I dont care about that either! I dont even know if I want children any time soon."I look down at my hands in disbelief that I even said that.

"Wait what! Your not sure if you want to have kids" I need to keep my cool before I end up breaking something.

"Thats not what i said if you would listen to me for once in your fucking life then maybe you would have known what I actually said." I wish I didnt say that so harshly. I feel bad now.

"I said I dont want kids anytime soon.".

"So when?" He sits back down on the bed burying his face into the pillow.

"I don't know hardin just not now. We are still young and I want to wait at least a few years before we even think of trying to have a child."

"3 years? 5 years?" I take a deep breath

"I.dont.know. When im ready I'll let you know but from now on dont try anything like that again." I turn away on my heels and grab my keys and phone before leaving the apartment.

"Where are you going?" He follows me down the main entrance to our building

"Kim's." I say before getting into the car. I can see him roll his eyes and turn back to go inside out of the cold winter air.

Smith answers the door when I arrive and I forget how much he's grown.

"Is hardin with you?" Is his immediate question.

"Nice to see you too. No he's not. Wheres Kim?" I hang my coat up and when I turn around he's already back on that damn phone of his. He points upstairs and walks off into the living room. I go upstairs and walk into Kim and Vances bedroom where I find her lying there with the a pillow over her face. I smile at her misfortune of drinking too much last night.

"Hey stranger." I lay down next to her on the bed. Me and Kim passed the 'I'll let you know if im coming over' stage a while back. Showing up whenever,wherever is kind of expected from both of us these days. Not as much lately since hardin's been came back.

"Ugh I feel like death" She sighs removing the pillow from her face to look at me.

"You ok?"

"Ye im fine. Me and hardin just got into an argument thats all. I needed to get out" I take a deep breath

"What he do? Actually let me rephrase that. What happened? I don't know if its you or him who did it this time."

"Well he decided that wearing protection wasn't that important because its hard for me to get pregnant. Thats what happened." I pull the blanket back so I can get in next to her.

"Well that was a dick move." She scoffs.

"Tell me about it." I roll my eyes.

"Did you talk to him about it?" I nod.

"Ye I did. He apologised but im still annoyed with him." She turns over to look at me

"Can we change the subject? I'm too hungover for this right now and you and I need a drink AFTER I've finished giving you relationship advice not the other way around." I chuckle to myself at how honest she is.

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