Chapter XV: Family First

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Alastair held back the folds of the tent back for (F/N) to walk inside, following closely behind him. The seven sins were already gathered around the table, uncharacteristically quiet as they watched The Head of the Demons slowly walk the length of the tent, taking his place at the head of the table. At his indication, his generals took their seats.

"So," (F/N) said, lowering himself into his seat. "What matter is so important to have demanded my presence?"

"I would have thought that obvious." Lucian Ebonwood replied. "Er, forgive me, my lord." He said with a bow of his head. "But surely, you must realize the need for discourse. We must discuss our plans moving forward, and for that we accede ourselves to your leadership."

All eyes were upon him, waiting expectantly for him to speak.

"Very well." He sighed. "I'm sure you all have reports to deliver. Do so now."

Celine was the first to stand. She bended at the waist before handing a stack of papers to Alastair, who in turn placed them in front of (F/N).

"My lord," the Minister of War began, "we suffered great losses at the hands of the Branwen Tribe. Though my men are still working to provide a more accurate count, the current death toll is estimated to be in the thousands with even more wounded. Naturally, this leaves us in a weakened state. Our territories' defenses are likely to see vulnerabilities in the upcoming weeks. I defer to Minister Ebonwood for the time being."

"Minister Rouge is, of course, correct." Lucian said as he too bowed before (F/N). "From the bodies we've managed to identify, as well as sorting through reports of missing family and friends, we estimate that the greatest number of losses come from our northeastern regions. As such, Minister Lila's territories will be left most vulnerable. I would recommend redirecting forces from Minister Oren's southernmost territories to bolster our outer borders. My own forces suffered fewer losses as well, and can be deployed as you see fit."

"Fortunately, though," Celine continued, "the Branwen Tribe seems to have lost considerably more than ourselves. They've been forced back, and our troops have managed to push into their territory. Several outposts have already been solidified for when we decide to press our attack."

"That won't be necessary." (F/N) said. "We won't be pursuing this war any further."

His words caused visible shock in the assembled generals. They looked at one another, silently decided who would be the one to argue the issue.

"My lord," Alastiar said slowly, "are you certain?"

"Quite certain." (F/N) said firmly. "Seeking out another confrontation would only prove to be gluttonous."

"But, my lord, we have the advantage." Celine said. "Our enemy has suffered great losses and won't be able to rally in time to meet our threat. We have the momentum we need to win this. If we pass on this opportunity, Raven may once again escape."

"Once again, Minister Rouge, your bloodlust clouds your judgement." (F/N) countered. "We too suffered many losses. We must recover and ensure the security of our lands before seeking to expand."

"Sir, if I may," Lucian said apologetically, "based on my evaluations of our current security, I believe the best course of action is to continue forward. Ministers Lila and Shar may have suffered grievously, but our main army is still strong, and we, the other sins, still command formidable divisions."

"Be that as it may, I do not believe it advisable to continue this war."

"Advisable?" Alastair asked. "My lord, are we not your advisors? It seems to me that we are all in agreement that we should..."

Love and War: Male Reader (DMC Vergil) x Raven BranwenWhere stories live. Discover now