"If you would be willing, I would put you in charge of overhauling the Throwback foster system," E says to Harriet. "Perhaps we could even integrate the Evolved and Throwback foster systems."

Harriet stares at E like she might be dreaming. "If you mean it, then yes. We can speak of it after we end the threat of Crew's rebellion."

"I mean it," E says.

I clear my throat. "I know Harriet will do amazing things in that job. But first, we need to root out Crew and his team. He is planning a big attack, bigger than Circe Night. Our friends inside his operation knew something big was coming, but they never learned the details before he...they..."

The memory of what I saw in the Chrysalis dries up the words on my tongue.

"He will be put on trial for the murder of so many," E promises.

I blink back tears. "He has a powerful weapon that he will be itching to use. It destroys all carbon-based life within a certain radius."

"He will use it on a government building," Nic says. "Crew loves symbolism. He will make his new headquarters somewhere that will make the world take notice. Perhaps even your home, Governor. You should evacuate this house, and the major government-owned buildings around Seattle, until Crew is found."

"I will stay. We will not run from these terrorists. Their goal is to shut down the government, and it cannot be allowed."

"We need to root them out before they make their big move," Harriet says. "We have some ideas about where Crew might be."

"Count on the Evolved police force to support you," E says. "Officer Davies has been hard at work re-training his officers and ferreting out the ones who cannot be trusted. And if the worst comes to pass, we can call on the National Guard."

"We will no longer be working with Strand," I say. "They executed innocent people during the raid of the Chrysalis."

E's posture goes rigid. "Do you have proof of these accusations?"

"We all witnessed it," I say. "Your own officers carried out the body bags."

"I will investigate these charges personally," E says. "No one at Strand is above the law."

I hope she does. There are so many battles that I hoped to fight, and win, so much change that I'll never get to see. I have to trust that Harriet and E and the rest of my team can succeed where I have failed.

~ ~ ~

By the time we make it back to the Bunker, it's swarmed with kids. Harriet's face lights up with joy as she is hugged by the children she thought had disappeared into the foster care system forever.

At first, her eyes flick around frantically, making sure that everyone is accounted for. When she's satisfied, she glows, listening as they tell her of their overnight adventure.

"They let me have ice cream!" Blu shouts, to be heard over the din. "And a bed of my own!"

"I was allowed to pack as much food as I wanted to take with me," Jin adds, opening his backpack to reveal his treasure.

Harriet looks up, and her eyes meet mine. In hers, I see a trace of apology, one that I don't deserve. Still, it's a relief to have her friendship back, a flash of warmth before I leave her forever.

Marie catches my attention, waving Sun and me over to her as she shovels handfuls of cereal into her mouth.

"I rebuilt our newest weapon," she says. Her eyes meet mine and a huge smile spreads across her face.

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