Autumn Themed Carpet

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Also. I suggest re-reading in case you don't remember what's been going on.


"We don't have any new magazine coming up, what's this dress for?" Asked (Y/n), as she watched Asahi put some finishing touches on a dress he'd been working on for a while.

He turned back and gave her a confused look. "'s yours.." he stated.

"Huh? What for?" Asked the woman as she continued doing her sit-ups.

"....the autumn themed carpet. Remember?" Asahi reminded.

"Yeah I know but- why do I get a dress?" She asked "I don't think I was in-"

"Because you're going with me" Asahi whispered. "A-as my plus one."

"Now hold on a moment! Who- no- I never said I was going!" She paused, getting off her yoga mat. "Plus one? I don't remember seeing any of that on the invitation!"

"PLEASE!" Asahi began to beg "you should have seen me last time! I was a sweaty mess- I can't- I can't go alone! Besides, Plus-ones are always welcome to things like these.... It's unspoken, also....I'm scared."

"Why are you scared!? They won't bite!" She rolled her eyes. Judging by his looks you'd think the people were scared of him.


"They're just people"

"A lot....of people. With eyes for glaring. And harsh opinions."

"You know, for a large're a real push-over" She shook her head.

"Sorry.." he murmured making (Y/n) roll her eyes once more.

"You're not supposed to apologize!"

"Ah sorry..." Asahi nodded

"We're gonna have to work on that"

Soon after, her mind wandered and Historia's words seemed to echo in her head. Was she going to show up for the reunion? Come on.. it had been what, 5 years?

It's not like she didn't want to go. She did, she longed to see all her old friends- you know? Rekindle the spark and laugh about old memories. She feared what would happen next.

You see, (Y/n) had one big weakness. She lived for appearances, how people saw her, what they thought of her- you know. All that shit. Maybe It's like that when you go to a fancy private school, especially when you're popular.

Eyes are always on you.

It was no surprise that she distanced herself from everyone when her parents disowned her following her pregnancy.

Not only that, but the news of Eren and her break-up worsened their image of her. He gave them all the juicy details of her 'bad moments' adding a few lies to spice up the story.

So now they pretty much think she's an abusive psycho who isn't letting Eren see his son.

"Something on your mind?" Asked Asahi. He was leaning on the table focused on her entirely. She didn't even know when she spaced out.

"Eh.... It's nothing serious" She shrugged. oh it was something, Asahi could tell from the solemn expression. He didn't want to push her, but he also didn't like the fact that she'd be wallowing in her negative thoughts all alone.

"It's okay if you don't wanna talk about it" he shrugged "but I think you'd feel better after letting it off your chest" he finished, eyes boring into hers.

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