Chapter 14

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The next morning, with Riley's mom already left for work, Danny came downstairs with the blinds closed so no one could see him. He was eating a bowl of cereal at the kitchen table that Riley made for him. In contrast, she eats waffles and eggs on the other side of the table. Riley wore a red and orange t-shirt and grey pajama pants.

"Hey Danny, I got a text from Eli about what's going on, neighbor," said Riley

"What happened?"

"The neighbor was furious and yelled at the landlord and the cops about someone breaking into his apartment and not believing him since nothing has been taken from his apartment and they think he forgot,"

"Woah, how did Eli know all that?"

"He yelled very loud that Eli could hear from his room,"

"He must have strong lungs,"

"Any way I can ask you something?"


"What cool powers do you have? I mean, you know that you can turn invisible and go through walls like any other ghost but do you do something different than that?"

"Well, I have long lists of powers, but I'll tell you a few of them that I like to use. One, I have ice power from an Ice core I have in me; second, I can duplicate myself; third, I can go into someone's dream. Last is my ghostly wail, my most powerful attack that can take down buildings and destroy streets. So what do you think?"

Riley looks amazed, "woah, those are awesome. How did you get them?"

"They come to me naturally and learn to use them over the years,"

"Hm," Riley takes a bite out of her waffle, "so whom are you going to talk to about getting home?"

"Either Superman or Supergirl,"

"I think Supergirl since you two already talk and it seems like she can trust you,"


Then Riley's phone starts to buzz, and she takes it out and looks scared and horrified, causing Danny to stop eating.

"Riley, what's wrong?"

Riley unlocks her phone and shows Danny a video of humanoid robots with colors ranging from red to blue and yellow attacking a bunch of cops and entering a S.T.A.R lab facility.

"My mom works at that lab, oh god she could get hurt. I don't want to lose my mom as well," Riley starts panicking and about to cry.

Danny come to Riley side and looks at her "Riley, that's coming to happen,"

"It's not,"

"No, I'm going to that lab facility and make sure your mom is alright and take those robots, and that's a promise,"

Riley "thank you, Danny,"

Danny turns invisible, and he flys up in the air and phases through the house, and goes to the S.T.A.R lab facility.

At the scene, four superheroes have arrived and are trying to take down the rampaging robots. The first was Supergirl. The second is an African American man with cybernetic features all over his body. This hero is Cyborg. The third one was the Flash. And the fourth is a hero wearing a green and black costume with a lantern in the middle of his chest with a white circle; this hero is Green Lantern.

Supergirl encounters a yellow robot that shoots lightning from its eye. Supergirl dodges it and punches the robot head off. The Flash quickly disassembles a few of the robots into several pieces. Cyborg faces two red robots that shoot large flames from their right hand at Cyborg, who flys up. He changes his left arm into a laser weapon and fires a laser beam at the robot, turning them into scrap metal. Green Lantern takes a couple of injured police officers and civilians from the scene with his ring forming a bubble around them and taking them to a safe distance.

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