Brittany watched as Santana finished her lunch and walked to the edge of the balcony, with her coffee, seemingly staring into space. Brittany sighed, how she wished she could walk out there and wrap the starlet in her arms and kiss away all her worries. Looking down she picked at her salad, all of a sudden not particularly hungry, she sipped her coffee, the Santana brew, as she had dubbed it, was really growing on her. She smiled, everything Santana was growing on her, felt comfortable and a little too right.

Standing up she went to walk out to the brunette, when her phone began to ring, looking at the number she noticed it was Beiste, they must have made up their minds about Santana and Brittany's plan.

"Pierce," Brittany answered.

"Pierce, its Bieste, just wanted to let you know we give you the green light to remain as Santana's bodyguard for the interim, if anything changes and we deem you to be too much of a target, we will remove you immediately, no questions asked, is that clear?" Bieste stated.

Brittany nodded, then realising she was on the phone replied, "Yes Beiste, quite clear, any segue with any of the evidence?" Brittney asked, a hopeful expression on her face.

"Not yet, a couple false leads, but we won't stop until these people are found and arrested Brittany, you have my word," Beiste finished assuredly.

"Thanks Beiste," Brittany thought the world of Beiste and knew she would be true to her word, she always was, that was why she respected her so much.

"In regards to Santana's schedule tomorrow, Santana has a nightclub opening and we are a little anxious about her security there, the nightclub is a ladies club and we are a little concerned both of your presence may pose a rather large threat to everyone involved in the event, it would be a perfect target to stage an attack and were not sure if Santana should be attending, we are going to relay this information to miss Fabray and see if there is some other way Santana can be involved in the event which poses less threat to the public, you and Santana," Beiste remarked.

Brittany knew Santana was going to hate the idea, even in the short time she had known the brunette, she knew she loved to support the LGBTQ society in any way she could. This nightclub opening was raising money for gay and lesbian youth off the street, Santana had talked about it a few times in the last week and was really excited. Santana even modelled some possible outfits for the blonde while on their shopping trips the previous week, much to Brittany's dismay and silent enjoyment.

"I think you're right Beiste, but I'm not sure she will like the idea, hopefully Quinn can talk her around and schedule some other form of involvement, I appreciate the phone call," Brittany stated.

"Brittany, just remember, getting too personally involved in a client, it never ends well, just remember that," Beiste stated sincerely.

"I agree Beiste, thanks again," Brittany stated, a small quiver in her voice, she knew she was more transparent than she thought. Beiste's words of advice only proved this theory, but how do you change how you feel?

Brittany hung up as Santana walked back into the house, putting her plate and mug in the dishwasher along with Brittany's and cleaning up the kitchen.

"Was that Beiste?" Santana asked, not looking at Brittany and continuing her cleaning.

"Yeah, she said I can remain as your bodyguard for the time being, but assured me I could be removed at any time," Brittany's face fell as she finished the sentence.

Looking up she saw the brunette stop and her shoulders slump, before continuing what she was doing.

"It won't come to that Brittany," Santana stated confidently, as she finished cleaning and walked out of the kitchen.

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