2. simon basset

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**if you are requesting imagines it would be great if you could include a specific scenario that you'd like to see!

"simon i told you—" i protest as i cradle the soft, warm blankets around my body.

"shush, you'll get your beauty sleep love," he coos. "trust me it'll be worth it," he smirks.

i glance outside, the world is still shrouded in darkness. i don't know about you, but your girl never wakes us this early.

"rose, make sure that y/n wears something appropriate for today's activities," simon instructs my lady and she nods in acknowledgment.

"miss y/n, it's time to get up," she tells me as she opens up the curtains, hoping that going through the motions will help me awaken.

"please tell me that it's worth it to get up at this ungodly hour," i tell rose in a drowsy state.

"i assume you miss, lord simon has a delightful day planned for the both of you," rose assured me.

"fine, i guess whatever it is that he has planned can't be that awful," rose chuckles as i roll my eyes.

"but, i want to wear my f/c dress today," i protest as rose just smiles at me, "of course miss," she nods as i get my things ready for the day.

• time skip •

i walk down into the foyer to see simon feverantly checking his watch, pacing back in forth.

"come on y/n, or we're going to be late!" he protests as he grabs my arm and hurries me out the door.

"truely, what could we be late for? nothing is open at this hour!" i protest, but a smile on my face nonetheless. he simply smirks and says nothing, as we both climb into his mahogany carriage, and before i know it the calming sound of hooves and the smell of simon's cologne send me slowly to sleep.


"y/n, we're here!" simon announces excitedly, and for what reason i have no clue because the sky is still dark.

"wh-what?" i respond in a groggy tone, sleepiness still upon me.

"just trust me," he looks into my eyes and gives me a quick peck, as he climbs out of the carriage.

i follow him not too long later, trying to gain some sort of bearings,

"in exactly" simon glances down at his watch, "6 minutes the sun will rise over that ridge" he points to the horizon.

"so this is what all this hustle and bustle is about?" i challenge him, "well— i mean—," simon stammers sheepishly,
"i'm joking," i reassure him, as we intertwine our fingers.

"i brought us some breakfast items," the coachman brings up a picnic basket, with a beautiful plum colored blanket to go along with it.

"after all this time, you're still trying to impress me?" i ask, i mean it has been a few months.

"you say it like it's a bad thing!" he exclaims, throwing his hands up in defense.

"it is never a bad thing," i smile a give him a light kiss.


within moments all of the picnic supplies are laid out, along with a cheese board and croissants.

the sun slowly crawls its way up over the mountains, casting the world in a light glow, the pinks and oranges and reds dance across the base of the sky.

"now this," simon gestures to the beautiful sky, "is what i brought you out to see," i can only smile, the colours are absoutely stunning.

"wow," i trail off, "this is beautiful," i take in all of my surroundings. "this is something out of a novel," he only smirks, "not as beautiful as you, my love," he reaches out for my dainty hand and places a kiss upon it.

"and i couldn't think of someone better who i would want to spend it with, my lord," i quip, smiles plastered upon both of our faces.

"besides, this is only the beginning," signifying that a day filled with gorgeous views, amazing food and wonderful activities was to come.


a/n: thank you all so much for reading! again, if you have any more suggestions/requests, please make sure to leave a scenario as it would be much easier to write

word count: 714


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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